As the night progresses, most Seabrook students sit on benches in casual conversation, listening to the angelic melody of the slow music echoing throughout the gym. The ones who still manage to stand, continue to dance leisurely. Addison glances over at her friends, Willa's hands resting on Eliza's hips whilst the zombie girl's hands were on the wolf's shoulders. Addison then looks around at Wyatt who hasn't taken his eyes off Willa for at least half an hour. She chuckles to herself, clearly he was too overprotective over his sister, when really he didn't need to be. She turns her head back towards Zed, who was gazing down at her. He takes a deep breath, ready to speak his mind.
"I know this year has been hard, Addy.. and I know I've made it much more difficult for you. I'm truely sorry for that." He spins Addison around.
"It's alright. None of it was intentional." She smiles softly, focusing on his eyes.
"If I didn't misjudge the werewolves. If I just saw them the way that you see them then.. the hole I dug myself would be covered with dirt, me standing above it."
Addison plants a kiss on Zed's cheek, "I forgive you.. and they will too." She looks around at the werewolves, "Overtime."
She sighs before continuing, "I thought everything would make sense if I were a werewolf but I'm not and I don't know if I'm a cheerleader either."
"You're a leader, Addison. You make others belong. At camp. At cheer practice. Even when protesting for what's right. You bring people together."
Addison smiles softly, wrapping her arms around Zed, "Thank you."
Zed nods, feeling some weight being lifted off his shoulders. However that weight soon settled again when the floor began to shake like it did in the cave. All the students abandoned their friends, pushing anyone who was in their way. This included the Acey's who ran out of Seabrook high without Bucky.
"You're supposed to protect your student president!" He yells out before sliding underneath a table, cowering beneath.
Screaming overthrows the music, crashing of plates and other items smash to the floor.
"Come on, I know a quicker way." Zed grips Addison's hand tightly as he races through the crowd of panicking students. Addison makes sure to stick beside her boyfriend, not wanting to get lost.
"Wolves!" Willa calls out, signalling her pack to follow her lead. Wyatt comes at her command, standing beside her.
"You won't be able to run as fast of the others."
"You calling me slow?" Willa whacks her brothers arm.
"Your leg." He states.
She looks down at her leg which is covered by her indigo pants, "It'll be fine." She mutters then leads with another command, "Follow me!"
Willa swerves through the crowd, Eliza following close behind her as the room continues to shake, it was as if god was mad at them for no particular reason. Wyatt tries to keep an eye on his sister, afraid she might tumble if the pain worsens in her sprained leg. Truth is, it had been hurting all night. Willa never took the pills the doctors gave her for pain relief. She didn't believe in that stuff and decided to tough it out instead. She was starting to regret it once she stumbled into a wall. Wyatt sees this and forcefully pushes past Eliza, helping his sister stand up straight.
"I'll guide you outside then we can sit down." Willa doesn't reply and Wyatt continues to go in the direction Zed seems to be taking Addison along.
The group continue speed walking down the hallway, before a large crack decided to make its home in the floor in front of them. Most scream, seeing a purple light emitting from the hole. Willa stares intently, examining what it could be.
"It's the moonstone!" She blurts out excitedly, getting closer to the hole but Wyatt holds her back.
"The energy of the moonstone must've created the fault line." Eliza comments.
"So it was buried and never broken." Addison shares Willa's excitement.
"We have to get to it! Before it's too late." Wyatt jumps down the large crack then helps his sister. Willa passes him, subsiding the pain in her leg, she was determined to find their moonstone. The rest of her pack mates follow. She swerves through the tunnel, guided by the gleaming purple light. She makes it through an archway to see the thing her pack has been looking for. The moonstone.
"It's here!" Willa runs up to it, wincing at her sprained leg.
The werewolves race in, taking off their necklaces and placing it upon the moonstone. Bright blue lights beam from them, charging up their necklaces to the max. They all growl, feeling fully themselves. Willa wraps her necklace back around her neck and holds tight on the moonstone.
"Everyone grab hold." Willa commands, her pack attempting to lift but failing miserably.
"It's too heavy." Wyatt points out, "There isn't enough of us."
"Then you'll have to expand your pack." Addison reveals herself, her friends and other students filing into the claustrophobic room. This included the Acey's, which surprised most but were happy they attended. Everyone grabs hold of the moonstone about to lift it when the chamber collapses, a large slab blocking the entrance.
"We're trapped!" Bree pipes in, biting at her nails.
"Zed." Eliza wasn't sure how safe her idea would be but it's the only solution she could come up with, "Your Z band, it's still broken. You can lift up the slab whilst we carry the moonstone through."
Zed looks down at his Z band, feeling the memories wash back over him, "I can't. What if I can't control it? What if I hurt someone?"
"You're our only hope."
Zed hesitates, then takes a long, deep breath, taking off his Z band. He roars, vains becoming purple and bruised like it usually does. Willa's eyes dilate, reminded that he was the one who murdered her best friend. She could still hear Wynter's skull smacking against the caves wall.
"Hey.." Wyatt grabs Willa's attention, "It's okay." He whispers, comforting his traumatised sister.
She returns a slight nod. Zed roars and spins around, lifting the heavy piece of slab as if it weighed nothing. Everyone grabs hold of the moonstone, carrying it out as Zed begins to struggle. As everyone drops the glowing stone, Zed let's go of the concrete slab and seemingly trapping himself in.
"Zed!" Addison calls out, debris and dust filling the air.
It was silent, til the familiar sound of a powered on Z band was audible. Zed walks out confidently, everyone cheering. He hugs Addison.
"Zed." She says in relief, "Are you okay?!"
"Yeah." He smiles brightly.
Eliza grabs out her tablet, it appearing out of nowhere, "Say Brains!"
"Brains!" Zed and Addison said in unison as Eliza takes a picture.
"First Zombie to appear on the Prawn Wall of Fame." She says happily.
Change was still happening and it was getting better for zombie kind.
All of the werewolves hug one another, others joining in. They finally found the moonstone. After searching for months it had been located and retrieved with the help of Seabrook students. Willa was surprised about how the town treated them. She assumed that they were all horrible, self centred pricks. However it seemed the opposite. Thankful to most, Wynter's death wasn't in vain.

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