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It was a sunny day in the Seabrook neighbourhood. Addison pours herself a bowl of cereal and sits down in front of her parents who look at each other awkwardly.
"So.." Missy starts, setting down her fork, "What's with this new look, hun?"
"I like it." Addison replies, chewing on her cereal, "My new friends like it."
Dale nods, setting down his fork as well, "Are your friends, uh, part of a cult?"
Addison looks confused at her parents, eyebrows raised.
"Maybe you should get changed." Missy says, hating everything about her daughter's outfit.
"I don't want to change." Addison says, her mouth full of cereal.
"Listen to your mother." Dale points towards the stairs, Addison rolling her eyes like a moody tween.
"Fine." She gets up and places her bowl in the sink, stomping up the stairs. Only to sneak back down once her parents left for work.

The Library's printer clatters, Eliza kicking it one last time, hoping it would quicken the process. She groans in frustration, bending down to see the blueprints spit out the slot.
"Yes!" She grabs it, stuffing them happily into her bag. The zombie turns, excited to pass them onto Willa but instead bashes into Addison unintentionally.
"Crap-" Eliza holds her head, apologising.
Addison wasn't phased, "We need to do something about Zed." It sounded urgent.
"You want to tell the Z Patrol about what happened?" Eliza asks, not wanting her question to become reality.
"No, no, no." Addison grips Eliza's arms, "We need to keep Wynter's death a secret."
The zombie glances around, hoping that sentence didn't echo.
She raises an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"
Addison takes her friend to the dimmest corner of the Library, most of the students occupying tables, heads deep in books.
"Don't you miss him?"
"Well-" Eliza gets cut off.
"See! He has to come back to school. I don't want him to hide and live in fear forever."
Eliza crosses her arms, unsure what to say. It was an accident. Zed had never meant to go that far but then again, it still happened. A life was lost and he should deal with the consequences, however Eliza also wishes she could turn back time. That they never visited the wolves den at all.
"Neither do I, but-"
"Eliza!" She was cut off. Again.
The zombie girl turns around at the mention of her name, the sound of stomping boots becoming more audible with each step.
Willa pokes out from a nearby bookshelf. She gives a smile, the girls unsure if it was genuine.
"Do you have the blueprints?"
Eliza stands dumbfounded. The Alpha looked stunning. Willa wore black combat boots, a sleek midnight purple dress that clung to her body. Her lips still contained the classic glittery gloss which suited her nicely, matching her makeup and ancient wolf markings. A leather jacket rested on her shoulders, it looked familiar. Eliza could tell that it was Wynter's. Her heart sank, Willa clearly wasn't over it.
"Hello?" A clicking sound snapped Eliza back into reality.
"Oh, Uhm-" She shuffles through her bag as Addison elbows her softly in the ribs, giggling.
"Here." Eliza passes the blueprints to Willa, feeling her cheeks heat up.
The Alpha looks relieved, one step closer to finding the moonstone.
"While you're here, I need to ask you something." Addison says, gaining Willa's attention. Eliza was unsure how this conversation would end up.
The white hair glances around, students distracted by overdue homework, it was safe to talk about, "We should keep Wynter's death a secret."
Willa begins to laugh sarcastically, the girls look at each other, confused.
"Very funny."
Addison gives an awkward half smile, "Actually, I'm being serious."
Willa's eyebrows furrow and she peers over at Eliza, who hides her face, cheeks still pastel pink.
"Look," Addison continues, "Zed needs to come back to school. He needs to live his life instead of being on the run."
"No, he deserves that life." Willa replies harshly, "He killed someone."
"Please, keep it a secret. No one needs to know." Addison attempts to reason with the Alpha. It was an accident, she kept telling herself. A silly, little accident.
Eliza stands off to the side, not wanting to intervene.
"This is stupid." Willa says through gritted teeth, about to turn away.
"No, it isn't. He deserves a normal life again." Addison urges on.
Willa rolls her eyes, observing the area. Many students begun leaving the Library, only having a few minutes til classes started again. She stomps her foot as if she was about to throw a tantrum.
Addison grins, "Thank you!"
"But I'll never forgive him. Ever." Willa crumbles the blueprints in a tight ball and storms out of the Library just as the bell chimes.
Eliza turns her head, Addison still smiling widely.
"That went well."

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