loose ends.

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Multicoloured lights fly out the main doors every time they open as well as the blaring music that echos into the night sky. Most students are dancing and cheering inside, however some are stood out in the cold waiting for their friends to arrive. A shiny, pink limo rolls up in front of the school, gaining everyone's attention. A butler looking man steps out of the passenger side door, only to open another. Bucky and the Acey's reveal themselves, people nearby feeling the need to clap for their new school president and his sidekicks.
"No need for autographs." He calls out, assuming the surrounding people wanted one. Not like he gives them out almost everyday.
"After you." He politely gestures the Acey's to go in before him, which honestly surprised his friends.
The butler heads back into the limo, it driving off only to unveil Addison, Bree and their monster friends.
"Oh no." Bucky says audibly, "It's Zombies."
"And Werewolves." Jacey continues.
"In formal wear?" Stacey finishes.
Lacey scans all of the monsters outfits, dismissing Addison's and Bree's, "They look good." She admits, loving the sense of style.
All of her friends stare at her, giving her disapproving looks.
The monsters stand in front of Bucky and the Acey's, holding up the line of people who wish to enter Seabrook High.
"Move." Eliza speaks.
"Please." Addison adds, hating the sound of being rude.
Bucky squints his eyes, the school president looking furious that they didn't abide to the rules.
"You guys can't be here! There's laws against this!" Bucky sounds as firm and serious as he could be, not wanting his night to be ruined by some monster freaks.
"Bad laws are meant to be broken." Zed pipes up.
"And monsters don't follow the rules." Eliza states, feeling like a total badass for doing so, "Zombies are apart of Seabrook, Bucky and we deserve to be here."
Wyatt steps in, "But we're apart of Seabrook too. The originals in fact." He says with a smirk, knowing damn well that Bucky would stand down and listen. Willa looks proudly at her brother, standing up for the pack.
Bucky glances over at the Z Alert conveniently placed beside the entrance, "Somebody's got to stop you!" He swerves around, almost about to grip the trigger when Willa steps in and brings up her claws. Her necklace and eyes begin to glow as she growls at the defenceless man cowering before her. He jumps into Jacey's arms unexpectedly, not wanting to get hurt.
"Welcome to Prawn." He says coldly as Lacey opens the door for her friends. Jacey struggles to walk through but is relieved when Bucky hops off once they close.
Willa couldn't hold back a cough, resting her hand on her necklace til it subsided. Wyatt leads her inside, afraid that this might be the last eventful night of their lives.

Glitter littered almost every surface of the gym, silver streamers dangling from the ceiling and walls. A huge disco ball bounces light onto anything and everything that entered the room, spinning around like a UFO. The food table contained Seabrook themed sweets and cakes, including orange punch which laid untouched on the table, it being too artificial and sweet for anyone to actually enjoy. As the zombies and werewolves enter the poorly decorated gym, students were staring at them in disbelief, admiring their outfits from a distance. Monsters knew fashion, that was apparent. The wolves rest on tables and chairs, unknown what to do with themselves as they've never been invited to parties like this before. Wyatt pours himself a cup of punch, watching as humans and zombies boogie around. He takes a sip and spits it out, wiping his tongue on his sleeve. Willa laughs at her brother, patting him on the back.
"You alright?"
"Human drinks are disgusting." Wyatt scrunches up his face, pouring the remainder of the liquid back into the bowl.
"Yeah, where can you get some animal blood around here?" Willa looks around, jokingly.
Addison giggles to herself off to the side, "I don't think they've been to a party."
"Clearly." Zed looks at all the werewolves talking to themselves, looking as sick as ever.
Eliza stares at Willa, glued to her smile and dark brown eyes. Addison notices and hip bumps Eliza.
"Are you going to ask her to dance or stand here creepily all night?"
"What?!" Eliza said rather loudly, luckily the music drowned it out.
"Your choice." She says before Zed takes her out to the dance floor.
More students begin to file inside, filling up the gym. All head over to dance and gossip, the only reasons people seem to come to these type of events. Students shuffle past Eliza as she continues to watch Wyatt and Willa chat with each other.
"I can do this." Eliza mutters to herself, trying to look as confident as possible when walking over to the she wolf.
"Just a friendly dance." She pushes past a random couple, serving a few angry looks. Eliza keeps swerving through the crowd til she collided with the one person she was heading over to in the first place.
"Eliza-" Willa turns around, a smile forming on her face.
"Hey." Eliza replies shyly, her cheeks flamingo pink, "You ah.. enjoying Prawn?"
Wyatt wanders off, not planning to play the third wheel role. Willa scans the crowd of laughing people, dancing to their hearts content, whilst her pack seemed rather dull and drained.
"It's hard to when you're slowly dying." Willa says seriously, turning the conversation cold.
Eliza stares out, feeling a large pit in her stomach, "Will a dance help?"
"Huh?" Willa looks down at Eliza's palms.
"Willa, do I have the honour to dance with you?" Eliza asks, cringing in her mind.
The Alpha blinks, unsure what to make of this situation. Addison and Zed were dancing together, and they're a couple but then again there's plenty of others on the dance floor who aren't peered with anyone in particular.
"What does this mean for us?" Willa asks curiously, placing her hands in Eliza's palms.
She shrugs, "Whatever you want it to be."
Before the she wolf could open her mouth, the zombie drags her out onto the dance floor.

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