Joseph was lying in bed sleeping while the baby was in a cradle beside the bed sleeping. I couldn't see the baby, but I could see her floating clothes. They were fast asleep and peaceful. That was good.

I closed the door. I went over to the couch and sat on the opposite end.

Jotaro took a large swig from the bottle. I watched as he drunk. The way he looked was...

I didn't have the words.

But why did he pick the wine? He had a perfectly normally size beer in the alcohol he purchased.

He sighed as grabbed the remote nearby and turn the television on. He said, "Watch the television rather than me."

I didn't notice that I was staring at him so much. I move my eyes from him to the television. "Sorry about that."

On the television was a marine animal channel. It wasn't something I would pick, but it was good enough. It was interesting.

Jotaro continue drinking and watching the television. Every once and a while, I would glance at him. Each time, he loosened up more and his eyes would get a bit more unfocused.

Eventually, he stood up, walked to the table, and grabbed another thing he wanted. It was one of those cases of beer this time. He went back to the couch and sat down. He grabbed a beer and handed it to me.

I refused, "No thank you."

He nodded. "Suit yourself." He opened it and went to town.

The way he swallowed the contents of the bottle was kind of hot, but in this context, it's not really hot at all. It was worrying.

I asked, "Have you eaten anything?" I just remembered he didn't even buy food.

"Hunh?" He looked at me as he licked in lips.

I swallowed before repeating myself, "Have you eaten anything? You can't drink on an empty stomach."

"Right," he said. He got up and went to the counter on the far right in the kitchen area. He grabbed an apple. He turned to me and said, "Um... Hey. Um, what's your name again?"

I told him my name.

He repeated my name as if testing my name on his tongue. "Hm," was all he said before asking. "Want something?" He pointed to the few things on the counter.

I said, "I have my own food in my bag. I'll eat later."

He nodded and sat down with his beer... And apple.

The next hour was left with us in our silence. The only noise was the television and him drinking.

I resisted staring at him.

The next time I looked at him, Jotaro was dozing off.

"Jotaro," I called.

He was asleep.

I got up and went to the bedroom finding Joseph and the baby still fast asleep.

I went back to the couch, in front of Jotaro. I said, "You should get to bed."

He mumbled something under his breath. Then he began to snore.

I cringed at the sound. "Jotaro sir. Let's go!"

He mumbled incoherently.

I sighed, "I guess I'll get you there myself."

The next five minutes was left with me pulling Jotaro up and guiding him to the free bed. Thankfully, Jotaro cooperated despite being semi conscious. He laid on his side seeming to fall into a deeper sleep.

After I got him in his bed, I heard: "Hunh?"

I turned seeing Joseph steering awake.

I said, "I am from Speedwagon Foundation. Just checking on your wellness. Are you doing alright?"

Joseph with his old and tired self said, "Yes. Thank you."

"And the baby?"

"The baby!" Joseph said alarmed as he glanced at the bundle of clothes in the cradle. He exhaled, "She's okay. She's in no danger. She's in good hands."

"That's good," I said. "Might want to check up on Jotaro when he wakes up. He's going to have a crazy hangover."

"Got it," he said. "Thank you." He laid back down relaxing in his spot.

"I'll let myself out," I said just before slipping out. I already felt like I overstayed my welcome.

I wanted to stay in Morioh despite knowing that I had to leave in a day with the SPW. Jotaro stayed on my mind into the next day. Right when one of my coworkers came over to me saying I had a phone call.

I came into office seeing a phone off the hook waiting.

I picked it up and said, "Uh hello?"

Jotaro called my name. "Are you okay? Did you make it back safely?"

"Yes, of course," I said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," he said, sounding a bit tense. "Don't do that again."

"Hunh?" I said annoyed. "I was worried about you and your family. I wasn't going to just leave you there-."

"-Don't come back!" He said, "It can be dangerous."

I scoffed, "So? I can take care of myself! If you are going to keep drinking yourself to sleep, then I would be too worried about Joseph and the baby. Didn't you say it was 'dangerous'?"

He stayed quiet. I could hear a sigh on his side of the phone. "We've learned that there could be more stand users. I don't want you coming back and forth."

"How about this," I said. "If you feel like relieving your stress by drinking too much, call me. Talk your problems away. I don't care what you say. Tell me anything as mundane as you stubbing your toe. Just don't be careless. In exchange to that, I won't come back to Morioh. How's that?"

There was another long silence. It was like he wasn't sure how to respond.

Maybe I overstepped my boundaries. He didn't really know me until yesterday, and I'm telling him to vent to me.

"Fine," he finally said.

Jotaro Kujo (Part 4-5) - Become UsWhere stories live. Discover now