8) He gives you a gift

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I added a little headcanon of my own in the piece for Warriors.

y/n= your name

f/c= favourite colour

Have fun reading the story



Sky's POV

"How about Twilight, Wild, Wind and myself go check into an inn and I'll leave the rest of you guys, and lady, to explore?" Time proposes. Wild and Wind immediately argue with Time that they want to go out as well. "No, you are both on "inn arrest" after that stunt you pulled. Both jumping off a waterfall. There could have been pointed rocks under the water!" Time looks at the both of them with his feared 'Look of Disapproval'.

The W-Duo gets very uncomfortable under Time's gaze and quickly give in. "It's ok guys! There are more than enough towns in the world that you can wander about" y/n tries to cheer them up. "Yeah, better luck next time" Warriors joins in while patting the Sailor's back.

"You all have to be back before sunset" Time says with his back turned to those that stay behind. The rest of us simply nod and turn around to go deeper into the town. "I heard people gossiping about a rare items that are sold here. I want to go check it out." Legend announces. "Off course you would you hoarder" Warriors chuckles as Legend turns away from the group, hissing at the Captain's remark.

Hyrule said he was interested as well and ran after Legend. I wasn't really interested in anything. So when Four said he and Warriors will go check out the smith's workshop, I responded that I will just look around. "Is it ok if I wonder with you, Sky? I have never really been in a village like this before so I would like to just walk around" y/n asks while putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Of course" I smile. Together we set off. We pass multiple shops, but one makes y/n stand still. I can see that she is looking at a pretty f/c broach. She suddenly realises that I stopped walking in order not to lose her and apologises. "No, it's ok" I say to her when she passes me. I look back at the broach. 'It would look very beautiful on her' I think to myself.

"Y/n," I say, making her pause "would you mind going into that shop and buying me one of their snacks?". I point at the shop opposite of the shop that sells the broach. "Uhm... Ok" she responds. I pull a red rupee from my pouch and give it to her. "I'll wait out here. See you in a minute" I smile at her to which she nods before walking into the snack shop.

The moment I see the door close behind her h/c hair I rush into the accessory shop. "Hello, how can I help you today?" questions a woman wearing an apron. "Yes, hello. I would like to buy the glittering f/c broach from the display, please" I reply. "Oh yes, that is a very nice broach you see. It has light protection magic cast upon it. Those who wear it will be able to sleep more soundly" she describes the property of the broach.

'That is perfect for y/n! Since that one nightmare she has been twisting and turning more frequently in her sleep'. "That is fantastic! How much does it cost ma'am?" "Only 75 rupees". I nod, pulling one purple, one red and one blue rupee out of my pouch. She carefully wraps the broach and hands it to me "Thank you for your purchase and have a great day!".

With the broach wrapped in cloth in my hand, I step out of the shop. Right when the door closes behind me, y/n steps out of the snack shop with one onigiri in her hands. She quickly spots me and comes over to where I'm standing.

"Sky, I didn't know what you exactly wanted so I hope this is ok" y/n while holding out the onigiri out in front of her. "Yes, thank you" I say, accepting the onigiri with one hand while holding the other one behind my back.

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