Chapter 6: First Day of Nerdiness

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Aaahhhh! It was the day! The day that I would show my nerdy true self to the world! God, I was so nervous! I flung back the covers of my bedspread and free-fell into the bathroom, where I took a quick shower. I woke up really early, because my school started at 9:30, and I woke up at 6:30 to experiment with my weekly cut hair. I grabbed the bottle of neon purple hair-dye spray and the make-up kits, and got started. I took a Q-tip and rolled it in the shimmery magenta-colored eyeshadow, and then I lined my eyes with black mascara and added some deep-blue eyeliner, with a wing-tip. Next, I beat my face with minor blush, and added a whimsical pink matte lipstick to my full lips. I inspected my face in the mirror, and I have to say, I looked fantastic in an eccentric way. Then, I started on the hair. I took out my rubber band, and shook my hair until it looked subtle and effortless. I parted it in the middle and moisturized it with a couple dollops of gel. I took two rubber bands and placed my hair in two ordinary pigtails, but in ten seconds they were going to be anything but. I jiggled the spray can, and then sprayed the tips and middles of my pigtails, until it looked like ombré hair. OMG, it looked amazing! Oh, I almost forgot! No lacy combo for me today or for the next month! I put on an argyle print bra with matching boy shorts. Now, it was time for the hard part! I took out the bags from my closet that I had dragged in two days ago, and sifted for some pieces that I could choose from. Wow, there were so many possibilities! But in the end, I knew I had to choose one outfit. So, I put on a plum-colored skirt made out of suede, crazy emoji-print suspenders in neon colors, a fun shirt with the words "Be a little nerdy!", blue thigh-high socks, and original black Converses. To make the look complete, I added a pair of now-signature nerdy glasses, and stared at myself in my full-length mirror. I have to say, I think I out-wowed myself! My look fit me so much more naturally than my other looks, and right then I hoped when I got to school, I wouldn't be teased. I grabbed my Claire's backpack with printed dots, and raced down the stairs. It felt so good not to wear heels for once! I leaped into my mauve-colored car, painted with emojis of all kinds! This, was definitely NOT flashy! Then, I speed-drove to school, doing a furiously quick mirror-check so I wouldn't be late for class. I took my backpack, got out the car, and tried my best to NOT let my inner self show, because otherwise, I would've been sashaying like a boss, and that wasn't nerdy. Instead, I lowered my head and quickly ran to first period, where I found Ace and cornered him in the kitchen, located in the back of the room. When he saw me, he gasped in pleasured surprise. And then, completely randomly, he began chortling behind his hands, as if I didn't notice. "What EXACTLY are you laughing at?", I practically shrieked at him. "Nothing, nothing, it's just that your clothes are very loud, and not really like you.", he replied. "Well, isn't THIS how a nerd dresses?", I said cluelessly. "I think you need to take a look around about the nerd situation.", he said. Since there was QUITE a nerd population in our class, I took a look around from behind the curtain. One thing I've learned, is that nerds don't wear loud colors, because they don't want negative attention, and I bet the same goes for cars. This was totes NOT coolness! Second thing I've learned, is that nerds tend to NOT excel or thrive at physical abilities, let alone singing or acting, and that statement, came from Ace. "What do you mean I have to suck at performing arts?!", I whispered loudly. "You don't to be bad at it.", he said as he leaned in slightly closer. "You just can't be the very best anymore, meaning you have to pull back a little." Well, if you thought about it, it wasn't TOO much to ask. I thought it was pretty fair. "Fine, but starting tonight, you have to help me with this nerd stuff, since I don't seem to know it myself.", I muttered. "I hereby declare that I, legendary Ace Matthews, will help Chanel Harrington succeed in her quest.", he regally stated. "Whatevs.", I playfully retorted. We came out of the curtain, and took our rightful places for our tap dancing session. Naturally, I kept on my shoes, because they were platform Converses. "Typical.", Ace mumbled to me. Gosh, he knew me so well! So, I sort of messed up the dance, coming in a step to late or a step too early, and at the end of dancing, everybody was wondering what was wrong with me. Behind my back, I winked at Ace, and he winked back, secretly knowing my reasons. The bell rang, signaling for everybody to move to the next class. My next class was singing, and I started getting excited for it. Singing wasn't my best feature, but I have stage presence to pull it off. Ace wasn't in this class of mine, so I showed off anyway, practicing my piece for auditioning. Speaking of auditioning, I wonder since I wasn't technically a Queen B anymore, would I have to try out for someone less fortunate, like Cady? Or even worse, Janice?! Uggggh, this was going to be a LONG month. When it was time for lunch, my stomach began churning. Luckily, Ace came to my rescue, us eating in the second, smaller version of the auditorium, separated from the cafeteria, saving me from social embarrassment. But, unfortunately, that was the place where all the geeks sat, eventually one day becoming my new besties, which totally brought an imaginary storm cloud over me. "This is not so bad.", Ace told me halfheartedly. "Please.", I replied. "I know you'd rather be with your buddies than dork me up. "That's not true, and you know it. Maybe when I dork you up, we can spend more time together, and I'll even throw in being a dork with you.", he said. "Really?", I questioned with surprise. "Of course. Anything for my about-to-be girlfriend.", he murmured as he slowly kissed my cheek. My stomach was going to EXPLODE from having all these butterflies inside of me! When we finished, I told him to meet at my house at 7, and he happily agreed. "I'll see you there.", he countered mysteriously. My heart was about to pop out of my chest, that's how hard I was hyperventilating! Cool, I thought. Now I've got to prep my house before he got there!

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