Chapter 2: Queen B's Clique

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I sighed with relief as I pulled up to my totally fetch school, the Academy for the Performing Arts. With it's flawless brick exterior, charming slate-gray interior, and polished diamond-like sidewalks, it was hard to not call my school fabulous, just like it's owner. Before I got out of my hot-pink and black convertible, because Ferraris are so NOT coolness, I proceeded to check my reflection in the rear-view mirror. But again, why did I bother, because I wake up FLAWLESS, I'm post up FLAWLESS, and I'm riding round in my FLAWLESS, so what was I worried about? But the thing is, I knew I was going to see Ace Matthews, the most sexiest guy in school, who seems to want every loser, for some apparent reason. I've already memorized his wardrobe, so I knew he was going to wear a tight black V-neck sweater which fit his incredible body, a pair of fatigue cargos which looked just perfect on his butt, and his black Converse, which were just as laid-back and cool like him. I knew me and him would look awesome together, but I can never get close enough to him. But all that is gonna change this year because I vow to get him, and what I say, goes. Done with my mirror-check, I got out of the car, straightened my shoulders, and strutted up to the sidewalk with a confident stride, where my entourage immediately flocked to me like how bees flock to honey. "Chanel, Chanel, how was your summer? Was it as awesome as you claimed it to be?", Jessica spatted falsely. "Do me a favor and knock the tone of envy out of your voice, before I kick you out of my clique.", I shot back fiercely. And luckily, she did what I commanded and kept her mouth closed. "Yeah, Jessica", Elina repeated after me. "OH, MY, GOD!, Flora commented. I totally ADORE your outfit. It gives off that edgy but seductive look that you're going for!" "Flora, that's why I love you, because you totally get me!", I squealed. Behind my back, I saw Elina shoot a murderous glare at Flora, and I knew that Elina was secretly jealous of Flora for impressing me. Those two are always in competition over my attention, but who wouldn't be? I mean, I'm smart, irresistible, gorgeous, and pretty likable. Who wouldn't like me? But I could only think of one person, and his face came to mind. I snapped out of it, just in time to hear Elina whisper, "Kiss-up". "Ugly." Flora shot back. I grinned, because it was funny to watch them fight, but being the leader of the group, I commanded them to stop. "Thank you, Chanel, for putting a stop to that catfight.", Hazel said. "You're welcome, because I love putting cat-fights over me to rest.", I sarcastically said. Let me explain us: We are the Mess-You-Up clique, because if you mess with us, we have ways to get you back for it. Jessica is pretty in an innocent way, but she has envious streaks in her body, and she's known for kidnapping the ones who attempt to mess with us, so watch out! Elina loves the spotlight, and she's known for making people confess in her own little ways. She not as naturally beautiful as the rest of us, but she has the jazziness to pull it off. She's also Queen B's little pet, and I have her wrapped around my perfectly flawless manicured pinkie. Flora is a natural born kiss-up that messes with way too many guys. I'm not bad-mouthing her, but a true leader tells the truth. She's sweet and adorable, and she also contributes to making people confess, especially guys, by sweet-talking to them. Hazel wears WAY too much make-up, but who am I to judge? Hazel is like the bodyguard of our group, with a pretty muscular physique, and she's the captain of all the sports teams, but she's also the peacemaker, the one who doesn't like to see people being beat up. Which is funny when you think of it, since she's usually the one who beats up people in the first place, but whatever. And last but certainly not least is Yours Truly, the header of it all, with the most smarts, talent, beauty, and charm then all of them combined. Everybody worships me, and nothing is ever going to change. If any enemy tries to infiltrate the group, we will Mess. You. Up.

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