Chapter 10: Final year of school!

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*:..(Y/N's pov.)..:*

There is no way this is happening right now! I need to be out of here, and quick. Before I make myself too obvious. "And where do you think you're going?" Camilo asked, his head proped up on his arm. "Oh y'know.. My room! I need to get some clothes from my room!" That's the worst excuse you idiot! "You can borrow some of mine, I'm sure you'll look great." He said getting out of bed and going to rumage through his suitcase. He threw me some clothes. I don't think I'm going to last much more. "Aren't you gonna turn around?" I asked teasingly, hopefully this gets him off my back. "Nah, I've seen you practically naked on the beach so how's this any different?" He said playfully, he's got some nerve! "I'm only joking princesa!" And with that he turned around.

Absolute idiot! The shorts he gave me will never fit, guess I'm going to have to stay in these ones and this shirt is way too big. Wait, I'm going to be wearing Camilo's shirt! "Okay, you can turn around now cariño." I told him and when he turned around he started blushing. "You look great!" He stammered. He's so cute.

We spent the rest of the day walking around the town, and eventually going to the beach to take a walk. But as we got to the beach, the weather took a turn for the worse and it started pouring it down. All of us running back to the hotel, and by the time we reached it, we were already soaked.

I wouldn't say this was too big of a deal as we could just get changed, but the fact it was raining meant that we were stuck inside for the rest of the day.

We ended up binge watching Netflix and just hanging out. Soon it got dark and we went to our separate rooms.

Spending our last few days at the beach having fun, as the weather cleared up after that one miserable day. But soon enough it was time for us to head back home. The train ride was similar to the one on the way there but the only difference was that it was during the night. This meant that all of us went to sleep pretty early into the ride.

When we got home our family's were there to pick us up. Pa took me back home and I went straight to bed.

Summer break was filled with loads more fun and laughter. Whether it be us lot messing about or whether it be us playing with the towns children. But soon we'd be in our final year of school.

Our final year of school was stressful, teachers babbling on about exams and revision meant that we couldn't hang out as much. My Pa was strict about my finals and surprisingly so we're Carlos'. Not to mention the Madrigals, they also got pretty strict.

My birthday soon came and I didn't have this big extravagant party like Camilo did but I have a small one, only inviting Camilo, Carlos and Mirabel. The night was filled with joy and my favourite gift was the necklace Camilo got me. It was (gold/silver -whichever you prefer-) with a littler sun as a charm. It was beautiful!

Finally our exam season came up. It was very, VERY stressful. I don't think I'd be able to take another week of that hell. But, our results soon came. We all got at least average which meant we all passed! We had this little party at Carlos' to celebrate but the next day Mirabel took me to town to go prom dress shopping! I wasn't actually planning on going since I didn't have a date but, going with friends could be fun I guess?

Mirabel chose this amazing dark blue, floor length dress with little shiny things on it. It fit her really nicely and it was pretty perfect as little did she know that she'd be asked out later this week, on prom night. Carlos is literally going to faint when he sees her! He'll barely be able to get the bloody words out his mouth!

It was soon my turn to get a dress. I chose (whatever you want) and I think it suit me quite nicely. Mirabel seems to think so too as she's squealing and clapping her hands.

On my way home someone pulled my arm and I found myself in an alleyway with someone pinning me against the wall. "Hey-!" I began to shout. "Princesa it's me!" I heard a familiar voice whisper. It was Camilo. "Do you by any chance want to.. uh maybe I don't know.. go to prom with me?" He stuttered, he's so adorable. "I never thought you'd ask," I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek. With that I left. I had a feeling he'd ask me at some point. And turns out today was that day. I'm actually excited for prom now!


Hey guys! I wanted to give you guys a little chapter to make up for all the time Ive been off, but I still am in exam season so I don't necessarily know when I'll post the next chapter as I need to write it! And with revision and stuff it's pretty hard to manage. I also wanted you guys to know that this may or may not be one of the last few chapters of mi princesa. The story is almost done! I have a feeling that the next one will be the last proper chapter, I might do a bonus one- who knows? Also the picture at the top is a throw back because it used to be the background for the story cover! Before I changed it, obviously 🙄. Oh! Also this chapter has not been checked properly so I apologise for any spelling/grammar errors and the like.

But with all that out the way, I know this chapter we I bit more boring (in a way?) but I still hope you enjoyed chapter 10 of Mi princesa!

Have a nice day/night! <3

Word count: 1032

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