Chapter 8: Wedding trap

Start from the beginning

She took a deep breath and looked at Princess Ashley and back at Prince Lukas.

Lydia: Prince Lukas, I promise to stay by your side, for better or worse and through sickness and health, forevermore.
Darrell: And Lukas, you may say your vows.

Nate grinned.

Lukas: Princess Lydia, I promise to stay by your side, for better or worse and through sickness and health, forevermore.
Darrell: Before we continue, does anyone object to this marriage?
Twilight: King Darrell is really getting into it.

There was a few moments of silence before Princess Ashley stood up.

Ashley: I object!

Princess Lydia looked at her and Princess Ashley winked at her.

Nate: Why Sweetie?
Derek: This dude has a death wish. No one except me can call her "Sweetie"!
Ashley: I think you know why Nate. That's-

Suddenly, dark green vines threw Princess Ashley to the side. Vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around her wrists, keeping her from getting up. They expected Nate to be doing that but it was Lukas controlling those vines.

Derek: What are you doing Lukas?!

Prince Derek tried to get to Princess Ashley but he blocked his path with a thorn barrier.

Lukas: Let's finish this, without distractions.

Prince Lukas looked at Princess Lydia, who was a bit scared.

Lukas: Say "I do" or your friend dies right now.

He made poisonous thorns come out from the ground around Princess Ashley a little and gave the vines around her wrists thorns, which pierced her skin.

Lukas: Don't be scared. Just say "I do" and she'll be fine.

Princess Lydia looked at the others, then at the king and queen, and then at Prince Derek. She looked back at Prince Lukas.

Lydia: I...I...I...

She looked at Princess Ashley.

Lydia: I don't!

Princess Lydia pushed him down with a wave of water and did the same to Nate. As she did that, her hair and eyes glowed blue. They all saw that instead of Prince Lukas on the ground infront of her, it was Nate. And instead of Nate by the others, it was Lucinda.

Lydia: Dahlia, Mia, go help Ashley.

They nodded and Princess Dahlia and Princess Mia burnt through the thorn barrier and helped Princess Ashley. Together, they burnt the vines and thorns. As they did, their hair and eyes glowed gold.

Ashley: Thank you.
Dahlia: Your wrists are bleeding badly.
Mia: Twilight, we need a healing!
Twilight: Got it!

Princess Twilight was about to heal her when Lucinda attacked Princess Twilight. Prince Derek restrained her with vines, and as he did his eyes and hair glowed green. Princess Twilight then healed Princess Ashley and as she did, her eyes and hair glowed purple.

Ashley: Thanks, again.

The 3 of them ran back to the others. Nate was slowly getting up.

Lydia: What did you do with Lukas?
Nate: He should be the least of your worries!

Nate tried to attack Princess Lydia with dark vines but Princess Ashley struck the vines with lightning. As she did, her eyes and hair glowed white. Princess Ashley and Princess Twilight looked at each other and did the skirt-rip they were planning to do.

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