Chapter 8: Wedding trap

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Two weeks later

It was the date of the fake wedding. Princess Twilight went to Azariah because she asked Princess Ashley to help her with her outfit. They sat in Princess Ashley's room and talked.

Twilight: So this skirt is supposed to cover my fighting outfit, right?
Ashley: Yes. So we can do a dramatic skirt-rip when it's time to fight.
Twilight: Awesome! I've always wanted to do that.

Alex came and stood at the door.

Alex: Any longer and you're going to be late.
Ashley: Okay. Twilight, I think you look great.
Twilight: Thank you for the help. We can go now.
Alex: Great- Wait! Ashley, why are you wearing the necklace Mother gave to you?
Ashley: The crystals will come in handy. Let's go before we really are late.

As they were on their way outside, they met Cassandra in the hallway.

Cassandra: Oh, hello your Highnesses. I see you're on your way outside, correct?
Twilight: Yes we are.
Cassandra: Please be careful.
Alex: We've got powers, I'm sure we'll be fine.

Prince Alex and Cassandra hugged and he kissed her cheek.

Alex: But just in case I don't come back, just know that I love you Cassie.
Cassandra: Don't talk that way. But I love you too.

They went to the carriage and Prince Alex took them to Lexia.

At the palace in Lexia

The 7 of them, Prince Lukas, the king and queen were talking outside in the garden.

Lexia: Are you certain that the illusions will look believable?
Twilight: Yes Queen Lexia.
Dahlia: It was only us that got the invitations to this fake wedding, right?
Darrell: Yes, we made sure only the 6 of you got them.
Lexia: And we have to act like it's a real wedding until Nate attacks Lukas or something like that, correct?
Lydia: Yes.
Alex: How long is it until the wedding?
Lukas: Half and hour.
Alex: Okay, thanks.
Twilight: I'll make an illusion of the wedding now and in 20 minutes I'll use the other potion to make illusions of guests.
Darrell: Derek, why don't you accompany Princess Twilight?
Derek: Yes Father. Let's go Twilight.
Twilight: Alex, do you want to come too?
Alex: Sure.

Princess Twilight, Prince Alex and Prince Derek walked to where the "wedding" was going to take place.

Lukas: I'm going to check on something inside. I'll see you guys soon.
Lexia: Darrell and I are too. Make sure you all rest a bit.

They nodded. Prince Lukas smiled at Princess Lydia and him and his parents went inside the palace.

Mia: So what should we do ladies?
Lydia: I don't know. Something relaxing?
Ashley: Did you have something in mind?
Mia: No I didn't.
Dahlia: We're just bored.
Ashley: Same here.
Lydia: I can't wait to have a chance to punch your ex's face Ashley.
Ashley, Dahlia and Mia: I know right.

They all laughed together.

30 minutes later

Soon, Nate arrived. He greeted the king and queen and sat down next to Princess Ashley. Nate and Princess Ashley were whispering to each other.

Nate: Nice to see you again Sweetie.
Ashley: You're getting on my nerves, so stop.
Nate: Don't be so serious. It's a wedding, you're supposed to be happy.
Ashley: How can I when-
Nate: It'll be over sooner than you think. But still remember our little agreement.
Ashley: I know, you don't have to say it twice.

Everyone looked behind them and Princess Lydia walked down the "aisle". Everyone smiled as she stood with Prince Lukas, hand in hand.

Darrell: We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Prince Lukas and Princess Lydia. Lydia, you may say your vows.

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