fezco imagine ~ date drive

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faye was sitting on the couch watching Scarface.  skunky smoke constantly surrounded her face.  especially right now, she was smoking a fat joint.  but u just sat there and didn't say anything.

"Michelle Pfeiffer is so, fucking hot." she whispered, squinting her eyes and pointing at

Ashtray, who was sitting next to you. 
you nodded in agreement, sitting there awkwardly in tall, strappy, red heels and a tiny leather red dress.  Ashtray promised to keep watch tonight so you two could go on a real date.


On the drive to the restaurant, you just leaned your head against the window and watched the buildings zoom past, and saw how dark the sky was.

"You ok?" he asked, putting his hand on your thigh.
you nodded.

"nah, y/n, like for real...are you okay?"
with a shrug, you heard him sigh and pull over.  when the car slowed to a halt, and he opened his mouth to speak, resting one arm on the wheel, you jumped on his lap and started kissing him.

"Whoa," he said in his monotone voice, "I made reservations."

"Oh, wow!-Well uh keep driving then."

He laughed a little and then continued to drive, asking once more.

"You sure everything's ok, y/n?"

You nodded, "Yeah just, school and-"
you paused, holding in a breath for a moment, and then releasing it to say, "What are we doing with our lives?"

He shrugged, "Man, this the business my Grandma started, can't just let it go."

"Yeah, obviously but...do you think this will last."

He smiled, "I hope, I fucking love you."

"AW, that's really sweet Fez.  I love you too."
he smiled and then interlaced his fingers into yours.


I can't write smut for him.  I dunno why but it feels too weird.

Let me know the next imagine I should write! <33

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