Chapter 4

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Looking out the window, you saw the rain finally letting up. Bruno didn't seem to notice, so you didn't really bother bringing it up. You pause. "Mamá should be done with the drinks..." You mutter, looking back at Bruno. "I'll go check on her, Y/N." Bruno assured you, patting your hand lightly before getting up and heading to the kitchen. He came back a few moments later with two steaming mugs of chocolate caliente. "She was searching for the whipped cream." He snickered, setting one mug in front of you and keeping the other for himself, taking a quick sip, some of the whipped cream sticking to his mustache. You notice and giggle.

"What's so funny?" he tilted his head, blissfully unaware of the dairy on his upper lip. "You got a little..." You trail off, pointing at his lip and wiping your own, signaling for him to do the same. He blushed and wiped his thumb across his lip, looking down at the cream and laughing nervously. "Oops."

You two enjoy your hot drinks for a few minutes before Bruno finally notices the weather shift. The sun shone through deep grey clouds, but it wasn't raining anymore. "That's my cue to leave." he clapped his hands lightly, standing up. "Nice having you around, Bruno." You smile warmly, standing with him. "How much do I owe? For the arroz con leche?" He asked, slowly pulling a wallet from his ruana. That thing has pockets? You silently ponder before shaking your head. "It's on the house today. As an apology for keeping you here tied up with the weather." You smile at him, taking the two mugs to take to the kitchen after he leaves.

"Are you sure? I–" He starts but you cut him off. "I'm sure. Mamá would kill me if she let me do that," You chuckle softly before nodding your head to the front door. "Have a safe trip home, Bruno." You turn and start to the kitchen. You set the mugs in the sink and look for your parents, who you assumed were upstairs, in the house part of the building. You figured you'd close up the restaurante and join them. The power wouldn't be back on for a while anyways, so there wasn't a point in staying open with no customers. You wipe your hands on your server apron, almost forgetting you'd been wearing it. Grabbing the door key off the hook at the entrance to the back of the kitchen, you make your way back to the lobby and lock the door, making sure the tables were at least relatively clean before making your way upstairs.

The 2nd floor of the building wasn't anything too special, a living room, dining room/kitchen, and two bedrooms. One for your parents, one for you. You mosey into your bedroom and throw yourself onto your bed staring up at the ceiling. Your hand drifts up to your cheeks which were still warm from belly-laughing with Bruno at many jokes you told throughout the day. A smile crept onto your face and you turned to face the wall, not even bothering to change out of your work clothes before drifting into a slumber.

My eyes shoot open and I look around. I don't recognize my surroundings. Where am I? It was dim. I feel around cautiously, sliding my feet on the ground instead of stepping. My eyes slowly adjust to the dark and I appear to be in a cave, surrounded by thick walls of limestone, no door in sight. "Hello?" I call out, my voice echoing against the walls and back into my ears for seconds before slowly diminishing. The spot I was in seemed to be a hallway of limestone, I could go one way or the other. I chose to go to the left of me, tracing my hand along the wall and watching my feet to make sure I didn't plummet to my death, unsure if this cave had any sudden drops. There's a break in the wall and I look up, mouth gaping open at the sight of dozens of tunnels, all leading in different directions, winding through the cave system.

I stare at the tunnels for moments at a time, but am drawn to one that has a soft purple glow at the end of it. Something about it seemed strangely comforting...I take a deep breath and step to the tunnel but am stopped when I hear a squeak below me. I peer down and see a rat, the creature about 25 cm (est~10in) long, staring up at me with beady red eyes. Its gnarled whiskers twitched as it stared up at me, tiny paws lifted up as it stood on its hind legs. It bobbed its head in the direction of the far right tunnel. "You...want me to follow you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. It gave a single nod before running off into the tunnel. "Wait–!" I yell and run after it, trying to keep up with its tiny figure in the dark tunnel. I follow it through twists and turns, almost losing my footing multiple times. I take a glance up through the hallway to see where it led and my eyes trail back down to the rat, only...the rat was gone. In the few seconds that my eyes left it, it had disappeared.

I continued to follow the path, but this time at a slower pace, a low burn settling itself in my lungs at the cost of running for so long. A soft green glow buzzed at the end of the tunnel, drawing me towards it like an irresistible pull. I continue at a slow pace towards the glow and as I grew closer there seemed to be a pulsing energy, almost like a heartbeat. It got quicker as I got closer, a deep pit of anxiety welling in my stomach as I advance. As I make my way into the glowing green room, I take a step around to admire the markings on the walls. Doves and roses scattered in crude drawings among other, indecipherable symbols. The green glow came from a well in the center of the room. Before I had the chance to peer down into it, cracks formed around it. I take an alarmed step back as the cracks worsen, the green light wobbling into a murky orange, and then fading into a light-absorbing black. I could see nothing now, not even the tunnel out. I panic, not sure what to do. I search around but my attempt is fruitless in the pitch black. Suddenly, my feet come out from under me. I let out a scream as I fall into pure darkness.

You wake, shooting up from your bed, panting and sweating. You look out of the window in your room and see it was dark already. Maybe 2 in the morning? You didn't know, you didn't care. Your breathing calms down a bit and you swing your legs over the edge of your bed. "Maybe a walk will cool me down." You mutter, sliding your sandals on and grabbing a hand-knitted shawl your mother made you when you turned 20. You wore it when it was cold out just to soothe her anxieties. You creep downstairs, making sure not to wake your parents who were sleeping on the couch, in each other's arms with a blanket wrapped around them and the candle they used for light burned down to the bottom. You make your way downstairs silently and into the kitchen of the restaurante. You pick up a lantern from the back counter and take out a box of matches, lighting the lantern. You make your way to the lobby, unlocking the door and making your way outside, letting the cold air of the night brush itself over your face. You hold the lantern out in front of you to light your way. You knew exactly where you were headed; the river.

You always found comfort in the river. Once you made your way to a flat spot just off the stream, you sat, letting the rushing of water and chirp of crickets soothe you. A dreamy gaze crosses your face as you watch the stars, bursts of clouds scattered across the sky, the moon a glowing ornament in the decorated inky black. Deep breathing lulls you into a meditation state, almost unaware of anything around you.


action winter journey (Yandere!Bruno Madrigal x GN!reader)Where stories live. Discover now