Chapter 2- {Angelo}

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I can feel a presence in the room but I don't know who it is. I try not to give away the fact that I'm awake, so I stay in the same position.
The sun suddenly enters my room, blinding me . Why the fùck are my curtains being opened. I told Maria I only get up at 07:15. I turned to look at my bedside clock and saw it was 06:30 in the morning.

I felt a soft hand touch my arm, "Angelo tesoro, svegliarsi(Angelo sweetie, wake up)" it was my mother, the beautiful Alessandra Sienna D'amico. I turned around to face her and look at her green eyes.
"Mmhh, ma non è 07:15.(but it's not 07:15)" I rubbed my eyes and looked at her blankly. Why hasn't she left yet? Knowing my mom there was a reason she was waking me up, so I sat up and waited for her to start speaking.
"Angelo, il primo giorno di nuovo all'università bisogna svegliarsi presto! Ora vai doccia e ci vediamo al piano di sotto, ok?(Angelo on the first day back to university you have to wake up early! Now go shower and I'll see you downstairs, ok?)" I nodded. She got up and walked to the door, before she left, she put her newly manicured hands on the door knob and she said "Hai 15 minuti (you have 15 minutes)"

I nodded getting out of my warm bed, heading to my bathroom to shower. I turned the knob to the right for hot water and let the water run while I took my black long pajama pants and briefs off.

I walked out of my room and down the passage filled with family photos of the D'amico generation. I stopped and smile at the photo of my gran who passed away three months ago, I wish she never left me, she was the only person who understood me. I carried on walking until I reached the spiral staircase in our house. Walking downstairs I passed a mirror and stopped to just check myself and see if I look good. I'm wearing my beige chinos that are rolled up once by the ankle, a creme polo shirt that was tight enough around the arms so the ladies could see my muscle. A black cardigan that was thick but not too thick because it wasn't winter yet , that was just on my shoulders, and black smart shoes.

I know what you're thinking, "he's a prep boy who only wears polo shirts and chinos" well you're wrong I only wear this to please my mother because she hates that I like to wear my usual black jeans, black top, black jacket or cardigan and my all black nikes. I'm not goth I just think the colours black, grey, creme and white are the only colours that look good on me.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and enter the open kitchen that my mother uses at least four times in a week. The aroma of bacon and eggs fills the kitchen as I walked in. "Finally Prince Charming has descended from his royal àss bedroom" I rolled my eyes and looked at my older brother Marco, eating his breakfast while sitting at the counter. I've never had someone irritate me so much in my life, but I wouldn't be able to cope without him I my life. We are really close, he tells me his issues or he gives me girl advice or reports . I do the exact same, as much as I wouldn't say it to his face I do love the díckhead.

"Well at least I look better then you dipshît" I laughed as I sat next to him. My mom turned around and took her apron off. She gave us the unimpressed look as she was putting my breakfast in front of me.
" I don't understand why you boys have to use such foul language? Don't you know it is not the way a gentleman acts? " She shook her head and walked out the kitchen going to her office to probably make a few business calls.

Marco laughed as mom left and put a fork full of food in his mouth. " I don't get why mom has to be so uptight. She needs to get laid." I stopped cutting my bacon and looked at him with disgusting expressed on my face.
"Marco I'm eating man, that's just gross!"
We finished eating our breakfast and went to the garage to get our cars and head to school. Marco's car was a white BMW with brown leather seats, he always liked to be classy. My car was a black Range Rover sport with black leather seats.
"See you later (cupcake)" he laughed and got into the car and drove out the garage and out the big iron gates. I followed behind him, as we do go to the same university.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as you finally get to meet Angelo!! *dancing and shaking booty*
Sorry it took so long my exams were so hectic I think I might drop out of school. JOKING!!
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Love you guys
**Hugs and kisses**

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