Chapter 21 - Final

Start from the beginning

My hypnotism started wearing off 2 weeks now. I asked Astrid if she remembered me but I guess not by the way she looked at me like I'm a hollow man. I love Astrid, truly and I know that it won't be easy to forget someone as amazing as her but still, I will try my damn hardest to teach my stupid heart to move on.

A vibration in my pocket broke me off my thoughts, I pulled my cell phone out to see Seth calling me.

"Hey Seth, What's up?" I answered, I could here rustling on the other line,

"Oh yeah. Here we go," he mumbled, "Your flights been moved to 1:20 pm, Uncle Stoic told me that he needed you there ASAP so he made a little tiny change." I looked over to my wrist or more my wrist watch and saw that its 12:38 pm, drive to airport is 30 minutes so... I better get moving.

"Okay, Thanks Seth." I said

"Anytime dude," another ring was heard on the line. "I have to hang up, Graham is calling me. Best of luck cousin!" And the line was cut.

I chuckled, grabbed my huge bag and went down. Finally time to say goodbye.

3rd POV

"Hey graham." Graham heard Seth answer after 2 minutes of calling. "What's up?"

"Dude, I need your help." Graham wasn't one for small talks so he went straight for it, "Astrid wants to stop Haiden from going and I need your help to delay him."

He could swear that he heard Seth cussed but immediately dismissed the thought as he heard this very bad news, "His flights been moved to 1:20 pm, you guys won't be able to make it."

"Shit! Go to the airport and stop him bro! I need you on this!" He hanged up violently and ran straight to his sister room. He didn't mind that he was wearing pajamas. He turned her knob open but when it didn't budge he kicked the door open. He was that eager to be Haidens future brother in law.
Astrid gasped, "Oh my god Graham! I love you but I don't go for incest!"

Graham didn't have time to roll his eyes although it was very tempting to, he grabbed Astrid out and went straight to his car with Astrid in tow,

"What the hell, gray?!" Astrid complained as she was violently thrown into the back seat. Graham sat in front lighting the ignition.

"Haidens flight been moved on 1:20 pm," he kicked the gas hard and sped up

"What?! Thats impossible! He told me yesterday that his flight was on 3 pm." Astrid said in disbelief while struggling to get her butt up to sit

"Seth told me, a while ago." He threw his phone to Astrid, "Text Ruff and Everyone to go to the airport and stop Haiden!" Which Astrid immediately did. It was 12:40 already and the drive to the airport was 30 minutes. Graham was losing hope but Astrid wasn't. She promise herself that she would be back in Haidens arm and that's what she will do. She dialed everyone's number and by everyone means Ruff, Tuff, Heather, Seth, and Fishlegs in a viber group call. It was traffic and its making Graham Lose more hope

It took her a hell lot of convincing to get them to get up on their butt and go to the airport as soon as possible but Astrid managed still not able to sit up because of her brothers insane speed which was,to her, starting to feel scary. She knew that it will take a lot for her to convince Haiden to stay with her and convince him that she will never leave nor hurt him again but she was determined to make him stay. She didn't know what to say and was actually practicing her lines when her brother came and gave his door a Bruce Lee like kick completely breaking it. She was shocked herself that her parents didn't stop them.

Graham had pulled up on the airport, Astrid would have laughed at his Domo Pajama if only the situation was different. She looked over her phone seeing 1:13 pm on her phone. Thanks to the traffic, her hopes came down a bit. She was about to go inside the airport when this huge bald man stopped her

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