Best Friends Forever ♾️

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I was staring, I knew that but I couldn't help it. He was someone to be admired afterall. But it wasn't just that it was the eyes that kept me gazing, they were emrald green but they were more than that. They were like leaves when dew touches it during the mist or the canopy of the trees in the forest where you could hear the birds chirping in the distance or like an emerald in your favourite jwellery or ............ .
"He- hello ?" I was broken out of my inner monologue by a nervous stuttering voice. " Oh- um, hi. I um am Hermione Granger and I'm new here. It's nice to meet you ?" I said. But before Harry could introduce himself we heard a loud ruckus coming from nearby.

Just as I turned around to see who was making the noise came a gang of children the same age as Harry. ( I don't count as a child since my mind belongs to a 16 yrs old. ) It took me perhaps a second to recognise them as Dudley Dursley and his friends. The second thing I realised was that they were laughing really hard at something and took me 2 secs tops to realise that it wasn't something but someone and that someone being Harry. " Oh look! looks like loser has a friend." Dudley said. " Excuse me?" I was furious I know that he will stop actively trying to sabotage Harry after he saved his life and all, but right now he was just an arrogant bully. " You don't want to make friends with people like him, I can assure you that. " Piers Poppkins I'm guessing said. " I can be friends with whoever I like thank you. Besides we were just leaving because he promised to show me around. " I said as coldly as I could and grabbed Harry's hand and left.

I could feel electricity run through my fingers and feel tingles on my arm so, as soon as we were out of thier range I let his hand go.
I had never I'm my 16 yrs of life felt like this. I mean it's not like I had a boyfriend or even my first kiss because between my shyness and studying hard in order to get high marks I just didn't have time for boys. Not to mention that boys in my old High school were gits and not like H.P boys but that just made me feel disgusted with myself because they were 5 for Godric's sakes.
" Thank - thank you " Harry once again broke me out of my inner crisis.
" No problem. They just didn't look like good kids and you looked like you needed help. So, I just did what anyone would have done." I replied. " Still thank you. No one had ever stood up for me like that. I still haven't introduced myself have I ? I'm Harry Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you too. " He said. Huh, what were the odds that I would have blurted out his name and he would spend the rest of convo interogating me about it. When I came to know that I still hadn't replied I smoothly said, "It's amazing to meet you too Harry. Do you maybe want to be friends? I mean, I just don't know a lot of people here and I'm pretty certain that talking back to them isn't going to get me some brownie points. You don't have to if you don't want to but maybe .....". I knew I was rambling but I was nervous, I really wanted to be Harry's friend afterall I just didn't want to come off as forward and aggressive and make the innocent poor boy uncomfortable. " I - I a would like that actually. I mean, um I would love to be your friend. " Harry cut me off mid- rambling as he said that. " Yeah, amazing. " I replied enthusiastically.
I just couldn't control my excitement and happiness so I said, " Let's go eat some🍦 icecream🍨 to celebrate this newfound friendship. You are my first new friend in a long time after all. It's my treat. Please 🥺 " I knew I was pressing him to agree but I couldn't help it I didn't remember the last time I ate chocolate and having dentist parents meant I couldn't just ask them. " If you are sure I guess why not." Harry replied.

And as Harry escorted me to the my house ( I admitted that I forgot the way back and Harry was kind enough to offer me back home ) while we were happily licking our icecream cones, his vanilla and mine chocolate did he say something that made my life and maybe his too a little more pleasure before Hogwarts.
He said blushing, " Let's be Best Friends Forever ok? " and at that moment when the sun 🌞 was just setting ad casting a warm glow over the sky while the moon 🌜 was just peeking around the corner and the stars ⭐ just started lighting up the sky which framed all Harry's features; I promised myself that I will do everything I can to help him, to make him happy.
So I replied, " Lets."


Thanks for sticking with me this far.
I'm sorry if the chapters are too short, I try to make up for it by the constant updates.

I take Japnese language lessons and suffice to say I'm pretty good at it except at talking it. I suck at pronounciation and what not.

Mischief Managed

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