14 - we're going steady now, doll

Start from the beginning

"Nolan was certain there were others involved," Maria said. "Even if there weren't, he'd sniff something out until someone cracked and admitted it. I didn't want him to find out about the whole group. It was better that I just admitted to it, give him what he wanted, and he left the rest of the Dead Poets Society alone."

Gosh, how could she be so brilliant? So selfless?

And then, here he was, so selfish.

Charlie chewed on the inside of his cheek. "In the cave," he started. "I didn't mean anything I said to the two girls. I don't even know why I brought them there or why I was being so dumb and flirting with them and playing along with them. I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have done it."

"Why did you do it, Charlie?"

"I don't know," he said softly. "It sounds stupid now that I say it aloud. I guess I was scared about how much I liked you and wanted to see if flirting with other girls would be like flirting with you." He looked up at her desperately, meeting her gaze. "You felt so different from all the other girls before. So special, so different, and I was falling so fast for you that I just had to see if I was just making it all up. I wanted to test it out."

"Test it out?" Maria repeated stiffly.

Charlie winced. "I told you it sounds bad," he said. "But I swear, Maria, I felt nothing when talking to those girls. I feel nothing when talking to or about any girl now. You're the only one that gets me going now. I don't want to talk to any other girl. Don't want to flirt with any girl. I just want to do it all with you."

Maria said nothing, her cheeks growing pink.

"Did I mess it all up?" Charlie asked.

Maria's nose twitched and then she hummed and lifted her chin up. "It depends."


She nodded.

Charlie felt like she had just thrown him a bone. "What does it depend on?"

"If you promise me you won't do that again," Maria said softly. She sounded almost fragile - delicate. "I don't like the way you test your hypotheses, Charlie Dalton."

Charlie felt his heart burst as he felt the air shift between them. He nodded quickly and made fast work in crossing the room. He sat on the edge of her bed, absolutely loving the way she blushed, and reached for her hand. "I promise," he said in earnest, squeezing her hand. "I know it was stupid. I was stupid. I'm stupid."

Maria giggled at that.

"You're supposed to say that I'm not stupid," Charlie said pointedly.

Maria giggled again and cocked her head to the side. "Well..."

Charlie let go of her hands to instead reach for one of her curls and tugged in response. He laughed when her giggling erupted into a bubble of laughter and then he laid his hand gently on her face, running his thumb across her cheek.

"Maria Keating," he said, searching her face. "I think I like you very much. I've been meaning to tell you this entire time how much I like you. A lot."

Maria's eyes widened in surprise at Charlie's confession. She wasn't sure what to say, so she just stared at him, her mouth slightly agape.

Charlie continued, his words spilling out in a rambling rush. "I know it's crazy and we've been dancing around each other for so long, but I just can't help how I feel. Every time I see you, my heart beats faster and I get all nervous and tongue-tied. And I just want to get closer to you, want to be with you. I want to flirt with you and touch you and want to grab your hand and pull you away from all the other guys and just be with you. Just you and me and -"

"Charlie Dalton," Maria interrupted him. "Charlie Dalton, are you going to kiss me or not?"

Charlie froze for a moment, completely taken by surprise by Maria's boldness, but then he seemed to recover, and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers.

The kiss was soft at first, tentative.

Maria was warm under his hands and Charlie tried to hold back, tried not to push too far, tried not to be so demanding, but Maria shifted, moving to wrap her arms around Charlie's neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

Charlie smiled against her mouth, slipping his arms around her waist, revelling in the feeling of silk under his hands. He kissed her deeper and excitement shivered down his spine as Maria hummed in contentment against his mouth.

As they broke from the kiss, Maria smiled at him, eyes shining. "I think I like you very much as well," she said softly.

Charlie grinned back at her, relief flooding through him. "Oh, God Maria."

She laughed. "I'm not dreaming am I?" She asked cutely and Charlie shook his head, moving to press a kiss to her nose, and then to her right cheek, and then to her left, and then to her jaw, and then to her forehead, and then to her lips again, and then to her -

"Charlie!" She giggled, dodging his barrage of tickling kisses. "Charlie!"

"Does it seem like a dream now, doll?" He laughed and captured her lips again. This time, there was no hesitation, no awkwardness, and no uncertainty.

"Does this mean? We're..." Maria trailed off, a little bit breathless when they pulled away.

"You and me," Charlie said firmly and reached around to cup Maria's face with his hands. "We're going steady now, doll. Got that?"

Maria smiled her radiant, brilliant smile. "Got it."  

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