Chapter 1 - Miraculous

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It seemed to be another day in Paris, an aspiring actor got akumatized because he got stage fright and started forcing everyone in Paris to live in a perminant state of embarrasment to "compensate for the laughter they spread" according to said villian.

Luckily, his embarrasment fest didn't last long as he was quickly defeated by paris's superheros, Ladybug and Chat noir.

Ladybug had just released the de-evalized akuma and all seemed well "Well another pawsome save, well done m'lady" Ladybug smiled

"pound it"
"pound it"

They fistbumped as usual and helped the very confused but no longer akumatized, Mr shur, of the ground
"What happened?" He asked
"you were akumatized by Hawkmoth but don't worry, you're back to normal now" Ladybug said politely "and for the record, everybody gets stage fright, ever been in a school play?" Mr Shur nodded "well the first time I was in a school play about rain-"
"rain?" Chat questioned
"yes, how rain works" She said "I froze up on stage, it was not fun, I ran all the way to the park across the street of the school" She finished saying, Mr shur and Chat laughed

"when was this?" He asked while crossing her arms and grinning "4th grade" she sighed "My best friend still tells everyone new that joins the school" She shuddered as if she was trying to forget the memory
"I have a friend who did that when she was in 4th grade" Chat said, suddenly remembering Alya telling almost the same story about Marinette "Yeah?" Ladybug asked "Yeah, I wasn't in the school at the time but her best friend told me all about it" He laughed, Alya had mentioned it when they were Al sharing embarrassing stories, right after she did, Marinette told a story about Alya trying to prank her sister into dying her own hair green by putting green hair dye in her conditioner but then mistakenly used the conditioner herself.

"That's quite the concidence" Mr shur piped up, chuckling along the conversation
"yeah..." Ladybug muttered, as if she thinking about something, the next minute she seemed to have shaken the thought away and looked back up at Mr shur "Well, you better get back to that stage, good luck Mr shur!" she waved and went to grab her yo-yo
"leaving so soon bugaboo?" Chat asked her, she nodded "I'm a very busy superhero you know, bug out" she smiled and swung away, fading into the distance with every passing second.

"See you later Mr shur, I'm sure you'll put on a great show!" Mr shur waved goodbye and started running across the street in a haste.

A loud bleep from chat's miraculous signalled that he would detransform any minute "it looks like times almost up".

Ladybug arrived at her house just in time, her costume faded back into her normal clothes and tikki reappeared in front of her "that was exhausting" Tikki yawned, Marinette took out a bright pink macaroon nearly the size of tikki and handed it to her "really strange isn't it?" she asked, tikki looked up from the bitten macaroon "What is?" she asked in her high-pitched squeaky voice "that chat's friend also got stage fright in 4th grade during a play about rain" Marinette explained, she was speaking rather quickly, tikki didn't look to concerned and simply said "most schools do the same things Marinette and stage fright is very common, especially when your young, I doubt there's any relation to the two incidents" Tikki said, looking back at her macaroon "Yeah" Marinette said "I'm sure it's just a coincidence" she however, did not sound as convinced as tikki, or as convinced as tikki sounded atleast.

"I don't get payed enough for this" Plagg yawned "Plagg you don't get paid at all" Adrien said, taking out a peice of camambert "not true, I get paid in gooy, cheesy, delightful, cheese" Plagg swiftly downed the slice of cheese "and I do not get enough of it" He said "maybe if you ate slower, the food'd last longer" Adrien said in an almost sarcastic tone "I give you superpowers every day thr least I deserve is cheese." Plagg crossed his tiny kwami arms and huffed "whatever you say Plagg" Adrien laughed.

"isn't it weird?" Adrien asked a second later "camambert?" Plagg said, clearly rather offended "abseloutly not!" Adrien smiled "not your stinky cheese plag, I'm talking about the story Ladybug told!" Plagg slumped back down "oh" He said, much calmer
"I mean, that's the same story Alya told about Marinette" He said, seemly hanging on his own every word "Eh" Plagg said loudly "probably just a-uh- concidence" he seemed much less calm then tikki had when Marinette pondered the same thing "I wouldn't look into it Adrien" Plagg stated, no response "Adrien?" Plagg looked over, Adrien was scouring alya's blogg "what in tarnation are you looking for?" He said flying over to where Adrien sat infront of his three-screened computer "Remember when Alya reordered Ladybug dropping that textbook?" Adrien asked, Plagg's eyes widened "y-you don't really think you two go to the same school now do you?" Plagg didn't seem to be asking as much as he was pleading the answer was "of course not" instead he heard the words

"what if, Ladybug is Marinette Plagg?" Plagg raced higher into the air

"WHAT PFFT" He lied "Marinette? Have you seen how clumsy she is? She's nothing like uh- Adrien?" Plagg asked, Adrien wasn't listening, he was watching the footage Alya had recorded of Ladybug dropping that history textbook "it might just be possible" he said quietly.

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