Everyone took a pause to reflect on what she said. After a few seconds, she continued "So my fellow scientists, I present to you my prototype. I have been working on him since the minute after our tragic setback until this day. And I am happy that our journey was not in vain. Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you, SODOM!!!

The first thought that came to my mind was how wacky and stupid that name sounded. But no one in the laboratory seemed to care as they all clapped with all their strength and vigour.

Dr Susan shushed the crowd again,"Now, watch as we begin the first test of Sodom. According to my calculations and prognosis, he should be awake in about 3 minutes."

Another doctor in the crowd said "let's make a video of it, this is the future of science. Of course it should be recorded."
Every other doctor agreed and they set up a camera. When they were done, they stood in front of the bed and waited.

"30 seconds left." A nurse said.

I went in front of the crowd and watched, I couldn't touch anything so I didn't bother trying. It may have happened in the past, or it may be happening in another place now, or it may happen in the future. There was nothing I could do apart from watch.

"10 seconds left" the same nurse said.

Every doctor in the room stood still, waiting, their phones out and recording the moment.

The boy on the bed fluttered his eyes and shook two of his fingers, earning gasps from the crowd. Dr Susan looked at him with pride, not taking her eyes off him, she spoke to the nurse. "Help him get up."

Two nurses went to the boy's sides and tried to help him stand. But he didn't. They looked at each other, confused, but tried again. Still, he didn't get up. Two male doctors joined in and tried to help the boy sit, but he didn't move. He just laid on the bed like a stone. The doctors who were recording dropped their phones and went to help, but nothing happened. More and more people joined but nothing changed.

I watched Dr Susan's face change from pride to humiliation. She hurriedly walked to one of the large computers showing his medical progression. She typed on it and the screen zoomed, showing an X-ray of his legs. His legs were normal. She went on further to check his hands, and brain. I didn't understand what I was looking at, or what she was saying but she looked relaxed so I guess things are alright.

She left the computer and walked back to the boy. The doctors who were examining the boy left as soon as they saw Dr Susan. She took out a pen torch, turned it on and pointed it at his eyes. The boy's eyes were blood red. His pupils were contracting with every passing second. She went to his second eye to try open it but the boy sat up so fast, it shocked Dr Susan and the nurses around her.

Everyone stood still, waiting to see what the boy would do next. He opened his blood red eyes and scanned the room. Next, he looked at his body. He took out a plug from his body, dragged the wire so hard that it tore from the bag it was connected to, spilling liquids everywhere.

A male nurse went to calm him down but immediately the nurse touched the boy, the nurse was sent flying to the computers showing the boy's medical progression. The computers sparked wildly before turning off, leaving the doctors to deal with the surprise package they called a patient.

The air was quiet, like the calm before a storm.

The boy stood up, after unplugging every wire connected to his body. He looked at everyone and roared, showcasing his werewolf teeth which I swore just grew 5inches in 3 seconds, spit coming out from his mouth.

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