It was clear skies the next day at Seabrook, the puddles of water evaporating into the concrete. Students rested on the grass which looked healthier and greener. Stray leaves still coating the ground. All of zombies were disappointed they couldn't go to prawn. Addison standing with them.
"This is such bullshit." Eliza slams her locker, a smug Bucky poster plastered onto it. "I mean seriously?" She rips it off, crumpling it up into a ball then chucks it at the nearest human.
"A little uncalled for and still classified as littering." Addison points out, the person picking it up and throwing it in the bin.
"Sorry but he doesn't need to put an extravagant amount of posters of himself everywhere." The group begin heading to their next class.
"It's Bucky. What do you expect?" Zed makes the obvious statement.
Prior to this conversation, Zed had apologised to Addison for his selfish actions which she quickly forgave him for. She understood his reasoning and how hard the last couple of days have been.
"Did I hear my name?" The obnoxious school president appears with the Acey's, who seem to be holding all his school supplies.
"Ugh." Eliza rolls her eyes and pushes past them, not wanting to deal with Bucky's eccentric behaviour.
"That's no way to treat your school president!" He calls out.
"Anywho, you've all probably heard the news." He looks at Zed, "No zombies allowed to prawn. I did try and persuade the school board to allow you all in but well, sadly they didn't listen to me." He does an over exaggerated sad face, clearly lying.
"Excited to see you there though, Cuz. Hope you have a fancy sparkly dress picked out." Bucky finishes, patting Zed on the shoulder and walking in the direction of the new Student President office which had been made especially for him.
Stacey looks Addison up and down, "If your dress is anything like this mess." She gestures to the clothes Addison hadn't taken off in a few days, "Then kiss the best dressed competition goodbye."
Lacey laughs at her friends lame insult. All the Acey's click in Addison's face and struts off after Bucky.
Addison ignores them, turning to Zed, "We'll find someway to make sure zombie can attend Prawn."
Zed nodded, loving Addison's confidence.

Night came quicker than Zed thought which made his heart race. Careful not to step on any twigs, he swerved through the trees towards the wolf den. He hoped he wouldn't regret it, but his mind was blank, unsure how the conversation would end up. Best scenario, he doesn't zombie out and kill another pack mate. A large mound of dirt came into his path, which he casually stomps over. Nearing the entrance, he takes deep breaths. He hadn't seen Willa since the scene she made back at the Powerplant and who knows how she felt now.
Zed now holds his breath, entering the cave with no warning.
Agressive coughing and visibly trembling werewolves surround every area of the cave. All covered by wolf made blankets, they look as though they're overheating yet also cold.
Zed immediately feels pity for the werewolves, misjudging them this whole time.
Wyatt sees the zombie standing their awkwardly.
"Shit." He curses under his breath, rushing over to Zed and pushing him.
"What are you-"
"You have to get out of here. Willa's gonna flip."
The Alpha walks out of a mini den, holding more blankets for the young. An elastic bandage was wrapped tightly against her ankle, meaning it was only sprained and not broken. She sees Zed, dropping the blankets on the dirty ground and furiously walking over to him.
"I haven't even-"
She pushes Zed's back, rather strong for almost getting blown up.
"Okay okay-"
He gets lead outside then shoved to the ground.
"You have no right to be here." Willa stands over him, arms crossed, "What even went through your little mind?! You really think I'd just let you waltz in like the king of the world. No, you know what I'm gonna do."
Zed didn't answer.
"Rip your face off!" Willa goes to attack but Wyatt grabs her arm.
"Settle down. Leave the face ripping for a moment and let him speak."
Willa lowers her claws, tapping her boot on the dirt, "Speak." She orders as if Zed was one of her pack mates.
He scrambles to his feet, "First off, sorry for, y'know." He gestures to the dirt mound that he now realised was Wynter's grave, "Also glad you didn't die." He points at Willa, making the she wolf show off her fangs, reminding him how strong she is.
"Also also," He now turned serious, "I've realised how much I've misjudged you werewolves. That really, you're not as different as the rest of us. You should be treated the same as humans and zombies."
"It doesn't help that zombies can't even go to prawn though, can they?" Willa points out, "If anything you're kind is still getting treated like monsters."
"But we can show them that although we're different we should be treated equally." Zed becomes as passionate at Addison when it comes to equality.
"I don't care about your stupid equality shit." Willa admits, "All I'm looking for is the moonstone, but your stupid town went and destroyed it."
"But what if they didn't? What if it's still out there?" Zed seemed desperate to earn the werewolves trust, to help them in their quest to retrieve their precious moonstone.
"Then we'll look for it ourselves." Willa steps her foot down, spinning around away from Zed.
"So Eliza helping you with the blueprints was pointless?" Willa stops at the mention of Eliza, "That she wasted her time on you."
She stands there, letting the night grow cold. The boys glance at each other, watching Willa, waiting for an action. She huffs, turning around as if hating the idea she didn't know of yet.
"What's your plan, zombie?"

Eliza walks through the Seabrook neighbourhood in disgust. She's never been to Addison's over the year they've known each other but she was kinda glad about that. The neighbourhood looked terrible. Pink and blue houses littered the street, all identical to one another. It was rather bland and boring, no character whatsoever. Even the cars were the same, mini coopers that were parked in the driveways. She walked up to the front door, surprisingly it was white, unlike all the various colours of blue and pink throughout the neighbourhood. She hardly got a chance to knock on the door as Missy opens it.
"Oh." She looks Eliza up and down, "It's you." She gives off a fake smile, "Come in."
"Thanks." Eliza steps inside, taking in the blandness of the home, "Nice.. place." She nods as if she was the one convincing herself that it was nice.
"The girls are upstairs." Missy says before heading off to the kitchen.
Eliza makes her way over to the stairs, not knowing what Missy meant by 'girls.' She only thought Addison and her were getting ready for Prawn together.
She knocks on the bedroom door.
"Come in!" Addison calls out.
Eliza pushes it open to find Addison doing Willa's hair in front of the unnecessary giant mirror and a few she wolfs lounging around. Bree rests on the bed, getting her makeup done by a short haired werewolf.
"Oh." She mimics Missy's reaction minutes prior, "Didn't realise there would be so many people."
Addison sprays an unneeded amount of hairspray, making the Alpha choke on the mystery fumes.
"I thought we'd all get ready together." Addison smiles, patting Willa on the shoulders, "All done!"
"Thanks." Willa stands up, facing Eliza who had to keep her jaw from dropping.
She wore a sparkly cyber grape shirt with cape like dress attached. A belt that clinged to her waist as well as some indigo pants. A russian violet fur coat rested on her shoulders. The only thing that she was wearing that wasn't purple were her black combat boots and her necklace which seemed like a lighter blue than it was supposed to be, same with all the werewolves necklaces. They were slowly dying and getting sick, yet they were still attending Prawn in hopes for a change.
"You look... pretty." Eliza let's it roll off her tongue.
Willa thought nothing of it, "Thank you."
Addison begins to do her eyeliner, "Why don't you get dressed Eliza and then I can help you get ready."
Eliza picks up her bag, containing her Prawn dress that now she was rather self conscious to wear, "Where's your bathroom?"
"Down the hall to your right."

Eliza struggles with the zip at the back, unsure how to pull it up in her zombie made dress. She frustratedly bangs her hands down on the sink, meaning she's going to have to ask for help. She picks up her bag, taking one look in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. She slowly walks to Addison's door, not knowing why this sudden insecurity washed over her. She pushes it open, finding everyone almost ready.
"You're all waiting on me, huh?"
"It's okay," It was Willa who spoke, "We have plenty of time."
Eliza shyly turns around, "Could you..?"
"Of course." Willa understanding what she's meaning, zips up the back of her dress, "Your dress is beautiful. Who designed it?"
"My mom." Eliza replies proudly.
"She did a great job."
Addison watches them intently, just wanting one of them to make a move already. Clearly, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
"I'm ready for you." Addison reminds Eliza who instead opens up her bag, revealing a purple with a hint of blue, floral corsage. Addison stands corrected.
Willa takes it, "Did your mom make this too?"
"Actually I did." Eliza replies accurately, cheeks flushed, "For you."
Willa looks genuinely happy, taken aback that something was made for her out of sheer kindness. Addison holds back a squeal, the wolves all just staring at their Alpha curiously.
"Let me put it on." Eliza slips it around Willa's wrist, the she wolf staring at it in awe. Addison watches as Willa wraps her arms around her zombie friend, doubting that Willa understood the true gesture of receiving a floral corsage.

Zombies 2: Rewritten.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora