Get A Little Closer

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Hajime and Nagito contiued walking down the street, they laughed off the accident as they continued to stroll through the streets. They passed several stores and Nagito decided to stop at a cake shop.

Nagito Komaeda: "They shouldn't have to do everything, we could buy cake!" he said as he lead Hajime inside. "I don't know what kind they like though... or the theme for the party..." He held his chin as he looked over several options. Hajime caught sight of a shelf along the wall with an array of cake decorations. He picked up a few packs of frosting and turned to Nagito holding them up.

Hajime: "Why don't we get a plain cake and decorate when we get there?" Nagito looked up and agreed with him, takeing out his wallet so he could pay. Nagito had the cashier hand the cake to Hajime while he paid. He must have held it too close though because when he went to hand it back to Nagito his shirt came away with a layer of frosting stuck to it. Nagito let put a gasp as he looked at the mess down his shirt. Hajime wiped a bit off with his finger and put it to his mouth.

Hajime: "its pretty good.." to this Nagito's panicked face turned relaxed and he let off a small chuckle.

Nagito Komaeda: "why don't i go buy a new cake real quick." Hajime gave him a sheepish smile as he went back into the store.

Soon enough Nagito got a text from Sonia telling him they could come back now. They turned back heading the way they came, just in time too as it was starting to get really windy. As they approached the bridge they had crossed earlier they found it closed off. The river was already starting to splash up onto it a bit.

Nagito Komaeda: "oh man... I'll call Sonia to see if she knows another way around." Just as he reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out a flash of lightning striked causing him to jump. His phone slipped out of his hand and managed to land in the grass in such a way that it carried it all the way into the rushing water. Nagito clenched his fists and a look of worry came over his face.

Nagito Komaeda: "Oh no... I've had too much good luck today..." He turned to Hajime with tears in the corner of his eyes. "Im sorry i ruined today... Im just so awful..." At the last part Hajime grabbed Nagitos shoulders pulling him to face him.

Hajime: "Your not awful, now lets head inside before we get soaked.." he gave him a soft smile as he gestured the the droplets that began to come down on them. Unfortunately most of the shops had closed due to the bad weather so they were left to run for quite a bit. Eventually they stopped at a park and hid under a gazebo. Nagito stared off into the rain while Hajime fiddled with one of the packets of frosting.

Nagito Komaeda: "I hope im not worrying the others... They shouldn't have to care about trash like me..." He bent his head down and rested it on the table. Hajime looked at him for a moment then sighed.

Nagito suddenly jumped to the feeling of some sort of paste on his nose. He wiped his nose and it came away with a smudge of blue. He looked up to see Hajime giggling with an opened pouch of frosting.

Hajime: "It will just get ruined in the rain so.. want some cake?" He smiled wide at Nagito and got a small one in return. He handed Nagito a packet of red frosting while he kept the blue for himself. Hajime did his best to put waves along side of the cake and Nagito followed by dotting the tips with the red. They continued to decorate the cake their own way, laughing together all the while. They added colors of yellow, green, and purple as well creating a nice rainbow.

Hajime straightened one of the empty packets of frosting as much as he could then used it to slice the cake. They each grabbed a piece and did a cheers motion, causing another chuckle from each of them.

Nagito Komaeda: "hey, look its a smile!" Nagito pointed to a fallen bit of frosting that represented a smiley face.

Hajime: "That bit kind of looks like me!" he laughed as he pointed at frosting shape resembling him.

Nagito Komaeda: "It can't compare to the original though!" He gave Hajime a sweet smile with a coat of blush on his face. Hajime could feel his own face warm a bit as well. They laughed a bit more as the rain started to pass. They heard running and turned to see Sonia, Mahiru, and Chiaki.

Sonia Nevermind: "Oh my! we were so worried, we are glad you are alright."

Mahiru Koizumi: "good thing there wasn't a lot of people so we could follow your footprints." She gestured to indents in the mud. The boys looked down at their shoes, they hadn't even noticed. "Also.. is that a cake?"

They headed back to Sonia's house as Nagito caught them up on what they missed, well at least the main idea, he did keep the blushing part to himself. When they got back to her home they found it adorned with stuff you would see at a childs birthday party, the rest of the girls were there, glad to see they were alright. They ended up hanging out there the rest of the night and even staying over as the rain picked up again.

Hajime had fallen alseep an hour prior to Nagito so he carried him of to a giest bedroom with the help of Akane. Tired himself, Nagito laid on the bed beside him and soon fell alseep.

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