gift for frien (2)

16 3 11



The day was still going and time seemed as if it was mocking you, going as slow as possible. Every-time each of your "subjects" were going on with their day, you could feel the harsh glares towards you and your partner.

It should've hurt but by now, you've grown accustomed to it. The day when you were forced to rule the kingdom along her side only if Pure Vanilla Cookie could live, you already knew that whatever choice you'd make. You'd be disappointing some cookie.

And it sucked.

In your throne, you couldn't help but squirm in your seat a little bit which didn't go unnoticed by the Enchantress. Your elbow kept bouncing up and down on the arm rest. You were restless. You needed to see Pure Vanilla

She took a glance towards your tense self and cheerfully spoke, "Don't look so glum, dearie. You have everything you could ever need. So please, only think of me."

Ever since taking the throne, she started to rhyme the words whenever she'd talk to you. Something about it seemed so enchanting, alluring even. Each time she'd come up with her own little rhyme, your heart would sway with every syllable.

You hated it.

You hated how she'd stolen your heart like this. You hated how you had fallen into its intricate trap of making you its.

This time, instead of gluing yourself to your seat and allowing your mind to torture you with possibilities on how Pure Vanilla was doing, you decided to actually get up and make your way to his room. Then you hurried down the massive hallway, to which Dark Enchantress grinned and waved.

"My dearest... uh. Okay just get back once you're done."

You snickered at its failed attempt on trying to rhyme but she felt just short.

How cute.

You carried yourself out of the throne-room and nearly dashed down the hallway towards Pure Vanilla's garden. Thankfully, Dark Enchantress was somehow lenient enough after you begged it to let the former king stay here comfortably so she gifted him a humble garden of his own.

You finally arrived at the doorway to his solace. As your hand reached for the doorknob, you noticed it shaking and quivering all of a sudden. You surmised that it was just because of nervousness but you had a feeling that it was because of some sort of excitement?

There was some sense of strange comfort knowing that you were going to see him. You remembered how you two were dear friends, while he ruled and you kept on studying. Though you kept in touch and with White Lily Cookie, if you two were left alone then there wouldn't be that much to talk about.

Your hand gripped the doorknob and twisted it, pushing the whole door forward once you heard that all too familiar click from the door. Swiftly, it opened to reveal a massive yet humble garden with pristine while columns that stood by the path ahead.

Everything looked so symmetrical with such an elegant aura. Butterflies fluttered by you, the chirping of the birds felt like they were singing to you. Each animal that went about their day, ignoring you felt comforting in a way. Like you were part of them, a small animal with very little responsibilities.

Though, far ahead of you was the former king that you so wanted to talk to. Though his back was turned, you could surmise that he had a very calm expression like he always did. Not once did he ever show that he was anything but content.

However, there was a tint of doubt that was casted in your mind. After all, you pretty much betrayed him and then took the throne, transforming the Vanilla Kingdom into a dystopian wasteland fit for Dark Enchantress.

Your cheeks buzzed unknowingly thinking about Dark Enchantress again as you continued walking towards Pure Vanilla. Even in your mind, she could never leave you alone.

"I'm happy you've come to visit me, Y/N."

You paused right in your tracks as he suddenly spoke, not turning around nor even moving. It was like he sensed you coming which would make sense as his sight wasn't the best.

There was something about his voice that soothed you beyond words. It was like a loved one singing a lullaby to someone. It just captured your heart.

"Still," He muttered softly before turning his head around to face you which revealed a gentle smile on his face. "You've made me wait quite a bit."

With this, you gripped your robes and avoided eye contact. "I'm... sorry. I just-"

Pure Vanilla Cookie only waited patiently for you to finish your sentence but he soon realised that you were far too tense and anxious, so calming you down would be the best course of action.

"Why don't we have tea?" He proposed, standing up and placing a hand on your back.

Your breath quickened for a second before you exhaled deeply.

"I'd like that."

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