Chapter 1: The Bi-directional Unified Transit Terminal

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"It's a beautiful day to build a space bridge!" Sari declared with open arms as she arrived on the roof of Sumdac Tower. She was greeted by the sight of her family busy at work. Bulkhead and her father were brainstorming at the space bridge's console while Ratchet was elbow deep in the floor wiring of the space bridge.

"Ah there you are, Sari! I thought I wouldn't get to see you before I went to my meeting!" Her father called to her as she stepped out of the industrial lift. He glanced up from the space bridge schematics to wave his daughter over to the console. "Are you finally ready to help us this week?"

With Megatron randomly transwarping around the galaxy in Omega Supreme and the revelation that Longarm Prime was a Decepticon traitor, they had to find a way to contact Autobot High Command fast. And since they had no way to communicate with Cybertron and no ship, building a space bridge and transwarping to their home planet was the only way to warn them. It was a convoluted plan, but it was the best one they had.

Sari hummed in agreement and activated her Azusa skates to glide across the floor to Bulkhead and her father. She enveloped her father in a hug. "This week has been awesome! We haven't seen a Con in months, no Detroit villain is causing mayhem, and last night I got a new high score on Ninja Gladiator!" She beamed and held up a fist to Bulkhead, who lightly fist-bumped it with his claw.

"Well I hope you can channel all that positive energy into helping us. This space bridge is fighting us like a pit snake." Ratchet said as he joined the others by the console. He had a scanner in his hand and an aggravated expression on his face.

"Yeah I know", Sari huffed, her good mood dampened by Ratchet's typical sour one. She turned to the barely formed structure, looking at all the unfinished panels and downed wiring. They'd managed to build the foundation and had just started the large prongs that generated the transwarp sphere. "This space bridge is taking longer than I thought it would. We've been working on this thing for weeks."

Isaac Sumdac came to his daughter's side and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Even with our skills combined, it'd be difficult to build a completely new space bridge in just a few weeks. But don't worry, Sari. We're smarter than the Decepticons. We'll have this all straightened out in no time." The two Autobots nodded in agreement. Then the professor's expression shifted to a coy, hopeful one. He turned to look up at the robots, "But we might be able to get the message to Cybertron in another way."

Ratchet rolled his optics at the professor. "We're not using the Bi-directional Unified Transmit Terminal. We've been over this, Sumdac! Last time, your little invention sent Sari, Bumblebee, and Prime to a different dimension! Do you want that to happen again?" He seethed, no doubt remembering the professor's panicked rambling when he had informed them that Bumblebee, Optimus, and Sari had disappeared after his device malfunctioned.

"No! Of course I don't want it happening again! But I've fixed the bugs! If we hook it up to the plasma dynamic thruster and gyro-stabilizer, we will never experience that again!" Isaac quickly defended himself. Bulkhead and Ratchet only gave him skeptical looks.

"Don't get me wrong, you're great at utilizing Cybertronian tech but do you really think this is the best idea?" Bulkhead said with only the slightest bit of hesitation. He was still getting used to his new role as space bridge technician but he wanted to voice his opinions to his teammates. That, and prevent another interdimensional incident.

"We need to inform your homeworld about the Decepticons as fast as possible. I worked day and night for Megatron but it still took months to complete the Decepticon's space bridge. This will be a faster way than building a space bridge from scratch. Despite its past faults, the Bi-directional Unified Transit Terminal would be useful for quick traveling between Cybertron and Earth and if we use it now instead of waiting until the space bridge is complete, we could stop the Decepticons from trying to invade Cybertron much sooner. There might even be a chance of finding your ship." The Professor reasoned eagerly.

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