"That's the most hypocritical and cuntiest thing you could say to me especially when you're the one still texting your fucking abusive dad, I love you. He doesn't love you isabelle if he did he would've tried to sell you to a literally human sex tracker when you were eight." Maddy spat, not even caring that the words that flew out her mouth. Isabelle expression dropped at that moment along with all the respect she for Maddy. With tears welding up in her eyes she nodded her head and opened the door, slamming it harshly before walking to the only place she felt liked.

               • • •

ISABELLE RODE THE BICYCLE SHE borrowed from elliot all the way to fezcos house. She felt like she had no one to talk to but Ash and Fezco. Isabelle stopped the bike in her tracks, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw ash already standing outside his house. "Hey!" Isabelle exclaimed, jumping off the bike and walking over to ash-tray who nodded his head.

"Wassup B, what you doing here?" Ash asked, watching the drop her bike on their sidewalk and walk over to him. Isabelle dusted her ripped-jeans off and glanced up at ash. "I just had a really shitty day and wanted to hang out, if that's okay." Isabelle replied almost instantly getting a response from the buzz-cut boy. "Yeah for sure, y'know your always welcome here." Ash accepted, seeing isabelle face redden with a bright smile. She nodded her head and walked behind ash who went inside his house.

"What you wanna do?" Ash asked, shutting and locking the front door after isabelle who awkwardly stood their, staring at Fezco and Faye who were watching tv in the living room. Isabelle shivered at how cold his house was, she pulled down her sleeves at turned to ash who was furrowing his eyebrows. "Hmm?" Isabelle hummed trying to ignore ash was was staring directly at her sleeves. Ash was consumed in his thoughts as usual, he was reminiscing about the time in the closet were isabelle said her dad used to hit her. Ash wondered how anyone could do that to such a nice-girl, If he even laid eyes on her dad, he'd kill him.

"I ask what you wanted to do." Ash repeated, not breaking eyes contact from her wrist, for some reason he didn't have a good feeling about the bruises. "Anything I guess." Isabelle shrugged, moving her hand in her jacket which finally made ash break eyes contact from her arm. "Alright, come on." Ash muttered, turning the opposite direction we're his room was and walking to it, isabelle following shortly behind.

                                           • • •

              ISABELLE SAT AT THE EDGE OF ASH'S BED, waiting as he put the channel on a cartoon show. Cartoon is all the two teens watched anytime they were together, it was their thing. "I think we left off on this episode." Ash told, pressing play on the teen titans cartoon and sitting beside isabelle with a bowl of cereal in his hand. "Yeah, the episode when raven dad comes to take over." Isabelle added on, shifting under the bed to get more comfortable.

"Yeah, trigon is a fucking bitch." Ash muffled, bring the spoon-ful of cereal to his mouth and eating it. Isabelle snickered, completely agreeing with his statement. "Right, he needed raven to enter the world just to kill her." Isabelle scoffed, her attention on the screen that showed the titans fighting trigon and miserable loosing. Ash chuckled, turning to the brunette who wasn't paying attention to him. Ash found himself staring at her longer than attended, he just loved how isabelle was a girl version of himself.

"Stop staring." Isabelle teased, glancing to ash who immediately turned his head away from her, acting as if he was looking at the Tv the whole time. "Don't try and play that off." Isabelle laughed, watching ash turn to her with his eyebrows lowered. "I have no idea who you're talking about." Ash lied, shrugging his shoulders and taking another spoon-full of cereal in his mouth. Isabelle shook her head in amusement, turning back to the TV and watching the show.

"Yo, can I ask you some shit that might be corny but I don't give a fuck?" Ash suddenly asked, turning to Isabelle who also turned to him with a worried but flustered expression. "Yeah." Isabelle answered, tucking her hair from her face and giving her un-divided attention to the buzz-cut boy. Ash took a deep breath in before speaking. "I know you remember what I said yesterday." Ash admitted, seeing the girl about to open her mouth but he cut her off.

"And don't try to deny that shit cause it obvious." Ash told and isabelle rolled her eyes playfully. "But, i meant what I said, you're really chill and the most interesting person i've probably met, so i wanted to ask you if you wanted to b—

"Yo ash!" Fezco interrupted, bursting through his brothers door and looking to the two teens who both looked surprised. "Oh my fault, did I interrupt some shit?" Fezco asked but Isabelle and Ash quickly shook their heads, isabelle clearing her throat. "No it can wait, ash you should go and we can talk about it after." Isabelle offered, turning to ash with a smile. Ash-tray nodded his head and walked out the room with his brother as Isabelle waited, her head filling with theories of what he was gonna ask.

                                           • • •

             THE SOUND OF THE DOOR OPENING MADE ISABELLE turn from the TV and to ash who walked inside with a pitied look on his face. Isabelle lowered her eyebrows, frowning. "Is everything alrigh—" "Look I need to tell you something." Ash interrupted, glancing up at isabelle who was smiling big thinking they were gonna continue their conversation. But Isabelle smile faded a bit as she nodded her head."Mouse baby-mama called asking questions about his death." Ash informed watching the brunette eyes widen.

"You can't be here anymore B." Ash deadpanned, staring the girl directly in her eyes with a nonchalant expression. Isabelle blurted out a laugh but she stopped when she noticed ash was being dead-ass. "W—what? Why not did I do something?" Isabelle asked, confused how the boy went from admitting he liked her to completely shutting her out.

"Nah, you just gotta dip." Ash replied, his eyes narrowing around the girl, trying it's best not to contain eye contact. Isabelle tilted her head, sitting up from the bed and walking over to ash who exhaled with irritation. "There's something you're not telling me, what is it?" Isabelle asked, confused why all of a sudden ash couldn't look her in the eyes like normally. Ash sighed, rolling her eyes and stepper closer the the ignorant brunette.

"Nothing happened I just don't fucking want here Isabelle so leave." Ash spat, glancing down at isabelle who looked offended. Isabelle broke contact with the buzz-cut boy and clenched her jaw. Ash face tilted to the side with a burning sting as he head snapped to the brunette who slapped him. "Fuck you, how the fuck are you gonna admit to liking me and just fucking cut me off." Isabelle scoffed, watching ash run his hand over the red-print of the side of his face. Isabelle would be lying is she wasn't scared of ash in this moment, he had an almost demonic look on his face, just like her father.

"Your dad's back, he's the person mouse baby mama called first so if i were you, i'd dip, like I said." Ash revealed, he felt horrible for how it came out when he saw Isabelle gape, her eyes flowing with tears but they never dropped. "W-what." Isabelle whispered, her eyes narrowing around as she thought of all the horrible things her dad would do to her if he found out she was here. Ash eyes lowered when finally a tears fell from the brunettes eyes, slipping down her cheek. He wanted to protect her more than anything but he couldn't because his brother came first.

                   🎶 "Fall Back into place" 🎶

                                         • • •

forgive me for this chapter😭

please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes! not proof-read!

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