Chapter 5: The Journey Home

Start from the beginning

"And so, we begin again." Alucard said drawing a line over the drawing of his mother.


"I'm a nice person I am. I know how to be nice." Trevor said.

"No, he isn't." Maria said.

"I do. I'm nice to everybody." He said.

"Then why are most of the stories  Maria's told me the last few days about you arriving somewhere and gstting punched in the face." Sypha said and Trevor glared at her and she looked away whistling innocently.

"That's because everyone else is a horrible piece of shit." He said.

"See?" Sypha said.

"What?" He asked.

"You're hopeless my boy." Maria said patting his shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Get away from me." Trevor said smacking her hand away from her shoulder.

They got to the house where they found Alucard sitting down.

"So, how do we proceed?" Sypha asked being the first to speak.

"Have the Speakers left?" Alucard asked.

"Yeah." Trevor said.

"I'm sorry. In success, you will see them again soon, in far happier circumstances." Alucard said.

"See? He know how to be nice." Sypha said as Trevor went in to sit. "Is it true, then? The castle can travel somehow? We know the stories, but sometimes it's hard to separate myth from truth." She said.

"Tell her about Dracula's castle, Alucard. Her day can't get an more ruined." Trevor said as he dug through a box.

"Dracula's castle moves. How to describe it? It travels without moving. It appears at locations as if...well, as if by magic." Alucard said.

"Well that's not good we need to get in one spot somehow and-- no! Bad Trevor, now is not the time for drinks." Maria said as she yanked the bottle of wine from him.

"Oh come on. Just this once, I'm tired and I'm feeling extremely sober." He said.

"...fine." she said handing him the wine.

"Thank you." He said and he took a sip of the drink only to find water enter his mouth.

"I know there a story somewhere where someone turned water into wine, but I might just be the first to turn wine into water." Maria grinned as Trevor frowned at her, he threw the bottle at her and she dodged snickering at him.

"I want to go home." Trevor grumbled. "The old Belmont estate." He said.

"I was under the impression it was destroyed. Villagers, Pitchforks, and Torches that sort of thing." Alucard said.

"It was. But the value of the old houses wasn't the house itself. It was what was underneath it. The Belmont Hold. Our family library and trove." He said.

"The collected knowledge and material of generations of Belmonts who fought the creatures of the night. Sounds interesting. If it survives." Alucard said.

"Is that why you practically knew everything about my power?" Maria asked.

"Well no, that was just stories I got told by my parents as a bedtime story. Trevor said and she sighed.

"I wasn't sure about it at the time. But if there's are solutions to thr problems of finding and killing Dracula, they are in the hold." Trevor said.

"You're guessing, though." She said as she raised a brow.

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