Part 3; ʀᴜʟᴇs

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George nodded his head, not going to say anything about the killers name. Dream stared at him for a second before glancing at his castle. "I would like your name, you are my guest after all."

"George, my name." George replied.

"Mmm, not too bad of a name, but there will be rules here." Dream said. Dream looked back to George, the smiley mask disturbed George.

"What are the rules?" George asked softly.

Dream started walking towards the castle, motioning George to follow. "I never had a guest here before," he started, "but the rules weren't to bad to come up with. First rule, do not touch the mushrooms. Second rule, do not enter that room," he pointed to a room off to the right side once you enter the castle. They started walking up a staircase in the castle. "Third rule, you will eat dinner with me every night. Fourth rule, do not try escaping, I will hunt you down and kill you. Fifth rule, you may wonder around the grounds of the castle and the castle. That's it."

Dream stopped and swirled around to stair at George, "Do you understand?"

"I do."

Dream tilted his head in acknowledgement. Dream pointed to a door in front of them, "That is your room. You may go in and see it. The dining hall is down the stairs to your left, it has a big archway, hard to miss. Now, I'll see you at dinner, which is at 7:30pm." Dream hurried down the stairs, leaving George alone.

George opened the door and walked in. The room was beautiful. The bed had a conampy. It was a huge bed, the sheets on the bed had gold trimming. George sat down on the bed, feeling tired. He laid down and told himself he would get some sleep before dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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