"I never thought of it; but I suppose it could be a possibility...when I'm healing people I don't feel like I'm in my own body. It's like...well it's hard to describe what it feels like. But it's like the elements help me with the healing." I thought how when I would finish healing sessions with people I would always feel better being in the elements.

Earl smiled seeing I was thinking. "Then I think you will want to read this my dear." Giving me a book. "The type of healing you can do connects to the elements; each element can not only help you heal people and animals but it can help you heal yourself."

Tyki had been listening and he looked to the Earl. "Like when she's in the sunshine she feels better or in water or any kind of element."

"That's correct; the strongest element is earth. It's said that anyone who spends time walking around barefoot on earth...it can help remove any negative energy and allow you to self heal. I have spoken with my head skull as well and he agreed that maybe your parents carried some magic but even if they didn't show signs of it; then it's possible maybe it jumps certain generations and the odd generation may carry the powers." Earl spoke as he sat and his human form showed.

Tyki thought and he looked to me. "Then we need to find out more about your parents; if what your saying is true Earl then maybe finding out more about Cora's past could help her understand her gift better."

I smiled softly knowing Tyki wanted to help. "We'll figure this out; but I agree I want to know more about my parents. If learning my past will help me to control my powers even strengthen them...then I'm willing to do anything. If it benefits the family as well."

Earl smiled and he stood. "Then we'll look but first you two need to go get Sheril; and Tyki be patient with him he's a little how do I say it?"

"Has a sister complex?" I spoke without thinking and heard Tyki and Earl start laughing and I looked confused and blushed thinking of what I said. "Where did that come from?" I started giggling.

Tyki chuckled. "Being around me too long my love; come let's get ready to go. We'll be back soon Earl." He bowed as I did and we went to our room getting ready and I held Tyki's hand gently as he let me enter first before he followed.

I smiled and went to grab my clothes that showed I was high class and set it aside as I moved helping Tyki get comfy. "How are the scars feeling?"

"A little painful but I can deal with it." He snapped his fingers and I giggled as our clothes changed to our high class clothes.

"Show off; but thank you." I smiled softly and looked to the dress I wore it was a dark purple dress but it only came to my knee's and wrapped around my neck, it was solid but had no sleeves, I wore a pair of flat black shoes. "I've had this dress for awhile I just never thought it looked good on me cause of how pale I normally am."

Tyki moved and stood behind me as he hugged me from behind smiling softly as we looked into our body mirror. "It's perfect on you; pale or not it shows your beauty. Your beautiful inside and out; it doesn't matter if your here or in the normal world your caring nature shines through and that's why I love you."

I blushed darkly and turned smiling shyly. "I love you as well Tyki; I know you can be scary when you want but it's only when your trying to protect those you care for. Wether that's our family here or our human friends; and I know it's true when you would bring presents for Eeze I thought it was sweet."

Tyki smiled softly and he nuzzled my neck as we stood face to face but it was moments like this that reminded me to a point Tyki was still human but he wasn't. Tyki was the Noah with the most humanity and I would do anything for him to stay like this; to have as much of his humanity as possible.

After a bit a doorway opened for us and I grabbed a jacket before taking Tyki's arm as we walked through the doorway in an alley but it was close enough to Sheril's home. "We left an akuma servant with him when his Noah woke up."

"Good it should make things a little easier to deal with. Stay close to me Cora I need to know that your safe."

"I will I promise Tyki." I held his arm as we walked down the sidewalk to the front gate and the servant let us in and led the way to the garden where it was only Sheril there reading a news paper.

Sheril looked up when the servant announced our presence and saw him smile and get up. "I'm glad to meet you again Miss Cora; and who is your male companion?"

"This is Tyki Mikk another member of the family; I'm sure the Earl had sent word of what had just happened recently." We followed him as we sat together and the servant brought our drinks.

"Yes is everyone alright?" Sheril spoke seriously.

Tyki frowned. "As far as I know the only Noah's right now are yourself, myself, Earl and Road. If it wasn't for Cora I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be up and moving around yet; she was sent to the ark before myself and Road had lost our fights."

Sheril frowned and looked to me. "How bad was the damage?"

"Tyki had awakened his noah; he had snapped prior to Allen Walker exorcising his noah with his blade and Road had been burnt by Bookman junior and is still resting. Actually we were asked to bring you to the ark and if you both want we can check on Road; I've been healing her and she should be awake hopefully between today or the next couple days."

Sheril was surprised but smiled softly. "I would like that; can I trust the akuma servant to not harm my ill wife?"

I smiled and snapped my fingers as the servant came over and bowed. "Guard Sir Sheril's wife while we are gone; should any harm befall her then I can promise I will not be merciful."

"Of course Miss Cora." The servant bowed and left before us three headed to the ark together.

Tyki Mikk x OCWhere stories live. Discover now