Chapter 7

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Cora's P.O.V
Later in the day I was with Road and Tyki we had been gathered to go after a general together that was apparently travelling with only a finder and we were to stop him, gather any information on the heart of the innocence and destroy the innocence that the general had on him.

I sighed softly as I had gotten changed into my clothes that I normally wore around the ark as Road used her door to take us to a cliff that over looked a road down below where a carriage was coming.

I stood on Tyki's right as Road had started singing a creepy song. "That's not creepy at all Road." Smiling playfully as she giggled and watched as Tyki used his ability to kill the driver and stop the carriage.

Road waited till Tyki have us the alright and I teleported is down as she brought the general to her room and waited patiently besides Tyki. I worried that something could go wrong since the generals weren't someone we wanted to mess around with.

I watched as Road tortured the general and soon had to cuddle into Tyki and hide my face as I felt him hug me close knowing I didn't like torture as Road finished what she was doing and we were all soon gone leaving the general alive but insane.

Tyki kept an eye on me as we came to a town with Road where we knew a few exorcists were and split up. I had a Teez with me along with an akuma and I looked up to it. "Move out see if you can find any innocence or exorcists and report back."

I watched the akuma leave and heard a chuckle looking over my left shoulder seeing Tyki and frowned when I noticed he had a cut on him and he was fighting his Noah. "Tyki?"

"I-I'm alright Cora; it's nothing big to worry about j-just got a little excited from my kill that's all." Tyki spoke and allowed me to heal his wound and I kept an eye on him seeing that he was relaxing. "Thank you Cora."

"Your welcome Tyki." I smiled softly a light blush on my cheeks and smirked when the akuma led an exorcist towards us and Tyki moved us into the shadows as I slid out my battle staff as I watched and motioned for Tyki to split up as the akuma got destroyed and we got away from the toxic fumes.

I moved disarming the exorcist and kicked the male towards Tyki who quickly did away with him and sighed softly as it wasn't a name on his list but it meant one less exorcist to worry about.

Towards the end of the evening we joined up with Road who opened her door back to the ark and myself and Tyki followed and heard yelling from three distinct voices.

I looked to Tyki who looked like he was ready to collapse and I moved grabbing his right hand with my left hand. "I think a quick meal and then to bed for you; your exhausted Tyki."

"I'm agreeing with her Tyki; you look like your about to collapse. Why not go to your room and have an akuma servant bring your supper." Road spoke up as she watched us.

Tyki's P.O.V
Tyki sighed softly when both Cora and Road teamed up on him this wasn't the first time and he could understand their worry. He was Road's family but he was Cora's closest friend and both just wanted to keep him healthy and safe.

Tyki looked to them and nodded his head. "Your both right but I'll be fine; like you said Cora I'll have a quick meal and then go to bed. You have to rest as well have you been relaxing any lately?"

Cora looked to him innocently as she took her spot besides him at the table and hummed looking away and Tyki chuckled pinching her cheek a little. "Cora how many times have I told you I will hide those books."

"What can I say? You know that I always have to be studying if I want to be any help to anyone." Cora leaned back against her chair looking to Tyki seriously.

"And you don't have to push yourself so much Cora your just as important as the next person; besides we just got off a mission..."

"Of which I wasn't needed for anything so I still have the excuse of staying up a little later to do some studying." Cora countered back this was normal for her and Tyki to be talking over something.

Tyki heard a giggle and looked to see Road was watching them and playfully rolled his eyes as he saw that the Earl has Road doing her homework. Tyki smirked getting an idea as he looked to Cora knowing how to try and get her to relax but only if he won.

Cora has been watching Tyki and she recognized the grin on his face that she looked away from his mischievous grin.

"Cora what do you say to a game of cards? Anything you want but no cheating is allowed and the loser has to do whatever the winner says." Tyki spoke watching as Cora looked at him but the look in her eyes made his heart skip a beat.

"Fine but don't expect me to go easy on you Tyki." She got up. "I'm done; I'll see you in my room later Tyki." Cora left and Tyki looked to the time knowing how she could be and would no doubt be going to relax from the days excitement.

"How come your not going to play now Tyki?" Road asked from her spot as she had been reading her English homework.

"Cora has a way she does things to relax after a day of excitement; she'll go to take a hot bath or shower once she has her lavender candles burning so the scent helps to relax her. Cora is great under pressure but I know that once she's out she'll close her eyes for awhile so I'll give her an hour to rest before we play our game of cards." Tyki spoke he had been around Cora long enough that he knew better then to change her routine.

"That's not creepy at all Tyki; knowing all of Cora's routine." Debut spoke from his spot at the table and his twin was saying creepy.

Tyki shook his head. "I've known her for a long time; she's been travelling and working at all the human jobs I was at along with living with myself and the three humans so how can I not know her and her routines. She's the same with me hence why when I get up earlier for a smoke it's so that I don't get scolded off the get go by her."

Earl chuckled remembering at breakfast that Cora had been scolding Tyki about his smoking. "She's only watching out for her friend Tyki; even I can see that she's protective of those that she holds dear to her heart. Tell me where is her family?"

Tyki looked up and he shook his head. "She's never told me; I figured if she wanted me to know that she would tell me but till then I can only wait."

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