Chapter 2

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Cora's P.O.V
I yawned as after the game of cards the guys were asked to go help work but Tyki just a few minutes before they left got a call to go on another one of his secret jobs.

I walked into the town humming softly as I was looking around and picked up some food thinking of the trip tomorrow we wouldn't be able to warm up any food on the train so veggies and fruits would be the best thing to get.

I stopped when I heard a scream and I silently followed the sounds and stopped at the entrance of an alley way where I saw someone laying on the ground and from the smell that there was blood I could only guess from the amount of blood that they were dead.

I looked around for anyone or anything as I used my powers to teleport to the body and kneeled on alert and was shocked seeing that the heart had been ripped from the body without any exit wounds.

I was on alert and took off to blend back into the crowds and as I did I bumped into the tan skinned gentleman that I could tell was of high status, a mole under one eye, amber eyes, his skin clear of any blemishes.

"I-I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to run into you." I bowed a little in respect and heard him chuckle softly.

"It's alright my dear. Are you alright? You didn't hurt yourself?" He held a hand out and made me stand straight.

I blushed softly. "I-I'm alright sir; thank you." I smiled softly and moved away as a girl ran to him and swore she said Tyki but I couldn't be sure from the noise of the market. I hummed softly as I thought of Tyki and this one and had a feeling that something was off but could've figure out what it was.

I thought back to the body in the alley and wondered how their heart could be taken out without any wounds one the body. The worst was that the person was an exorcist of the Black Order. If Black Order was in the area then that meant the move came at a good time.

I bought what I needed too and walked back to the cabin sighing softly seeing that for a bit I was alone but smiled since being alone meant I could study or train with my powers a little more.

I got changed into my work out clothes and snuck into the forest behind the cabin that led to a field that thankfully no one usually came too which made training for myself a little easier.

I held out my hand as electricity started sparking and I worked on making it slowly get more controlled and aimed it towards targets I made before.

I stayed out training till just about dark when I headed back deciding to clean up before I made supper knowing the other three would be back soon and would no doubt be hungry.

It didn't take long to get cleaned and changed into my daily clothes again and went to start making supper and frowned when I felt like I wasn't alone and looked around stopping when I saw the man and child from earlier but saw that they weren't alone that there looked to be a heavy set man with them.

I cursed softly to myself. "Earl What brings you here?" I closed the back door hoping that the others didn't come back quite yet.

"One of my akuma watched you training a little while ago my dear; I could have jobs for you if you would like to join me in defeating the Black Order." Earl spoke that sinister smile on his face.

My eyes narrowed and looked around when I noticed the akuma watching us. "I'm assuming their about level two akuma so their not really that strong in my books; but the thing is I won't join either side I'm just going to protect all the innocent humans that I can."

"Your powers and abilities would be able to master your powers as well; and wouldn't be doing missions alone." Earl motioned to the akuma to attack me.

I rolled my eyes as a barrier appeared and I snapped my fingers destroying the akuma without a problem. "Never try that with me Earl; I do my best to play nice but if your starting this crap then I'll gladly side with Black Order to take you down."

I noticed the male from earlier was gone and I moved dodging a hit and flipped onto my feet. I saw him smirk as I teleported when he tried again and I appeared using my electricity it became like a dance between myself and him.

Tyki Mikk
Tyki smirked fighting with Cora he noticed that it became like a dance between them he was impressed with her combat skills but was amazed by her powers.

He noticed after about twenty minutes that she was slowing down and panting heavily as they fought and Tyki smirked attacking her and was shocked when she aimed an attack of electricity at him which he used his choose to make it go through him.

"That was a good try little lady; my ability is choose which means your attack will not harm me." Tyki had his normal cigarette in his mouth and he noticed when she would hesitate for a second and that was all he needed to knock her out and caught Cora in his arms bridal style. "Got her."

"Well done Tyki; since she is your friend bring her to your room and please keep an eye on her." Earl said as Road opened her door back to the arc.

Tyki brought Cora back to his room he could feel that she was a fairly decent weight not heavy and not wicked light just right for someone her age.

Tyki carries her to his bed and gently laid Cora down as he watched the dark haired girl sleep and he sighed softly this wasn't what he wanted for her.

Cora was someone he enjoyed being around she was who he looked forward to seeing when he would return back from his missions. Now he was hoping she would at least hear him out and the Earl as well.

Tyki sighed softly as he went and removed his jacket, hat, shoes and gloves before he grabbed a book and started the fire in his fireplace and sat in his chair sighing as he relaxed.

Tyki was reading for around an hour when he heard movement and looked to his bed seeing that Cora was starting to wake up he marked his place in his book and got up walking over just in time to see Cora's eyes opening. "Hey sleeping beauty."

Cora's P.O.V
I groaned softly as I had a slight headache when I finally woke up I remember fighting and then someone knocked me out.

I heard someone walk over as I opened my eyes in time to hear a male voice talking to me as I came around.

"Sleeping beauty huh?" I slowly sat up and heard him chuckle as I watched him and felt like I had seen him before I met him the first time and it finally clicked imagining the white side of him. "T-Tyki Mikk? Your a Noah?"

Tyki flinched as he looked back to me and he smiled sadly as he moved and sat on the edge of the bed. "Yes I am my dear I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I didn't want something happening to you Cora."

"You could have told me Tyki; but I suppose the Earl wouldn't want you to give away such a well kept secret huh? Why would you come to live and work with low lives?"

Tyki sighed softly. "I'm the Noah of Pleasure; but it doesn't make me forget where I came from. I enjoy being around you four; I enjoy travelling and making memories with Eezee, you and the other two cause when I come home from a mission and get a chance to return to you's then I relax cause I don't worry about any dangers in this world."

Tyki Mikk x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن