"I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey." John B replied.

    "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement." JJ agreed.

    "Okay, we'll clearly they made it." Sarah said.

    "Yeah. So if they made it, just get enough speed and cross through the mud following Limbrey's tire tracks. That way you won't get stuck." KeKe pointed out.

    Kiara looked at her sister. "You are a genius. I am so glad you're my sister."

    KeKe smiled at her sister and looked ahead to where John B was contemplating what to do, then he pressed down on the gas and we sped forward, the mud kicking up past us and we made it through the mud.

    We all got out of the van and started walking through the trees.

    "All right. Word for the wise. Definetly know there are gators nests back here, so just keep your eyes peeled. You don't wanna step on a mama gator. That's the last thing you want." JJ told us.

    "They have nests?" Kiara asked.

    "You don't wanna be a Pat Womack. She got her calf chewed off by a gator, right? You know they, right?" JJ looked back at us.

    "That's actually not true. Pat Womack was injured in a car accident, but I hear you." Sarah said.

    "All right, living in ignorance. But, like, she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator. I know that for a fact. They lick the brackish water." JJ said as we came upon a body of water. "Wait. Hold on. I see something."

    "What are you doing?" I asked JJ.

    He grabbed a nearby stick and threw it into the water with a loud splash.

    "Wow. Smart, J." I said, "wake them all up."

    "What's wrong with your fiancé , Riley?" Pope asked me.

    "I honestly just stop questioning what he does. It hurts my brain too much." I told Pope as we all walked ahead.

    We ducked behind a large bush once we heard the sound of a motor running and people shouting.

    "You sure it's here?" Rafe shouted, coming into view.

    "I'm sure. The garment will be in the cross, the cross will be at the foot of the tree." Limbrey said by the tree.

    "We'll, whatever we find, I get my cut." Renfield chimed in.

    "The actual garment. You understand the significance." Limbrey said.

    "I do, Carla. I understand completely."

    "One touch of it, and I'll be healed and this long nightmare will be over." Limbrey said.

    "Your lips to God's ear." Renfield said dully.

    "I know you don't believe in it, but countless stories over millennia prove that...miracles happen." Limbrey said.

    A machine dug into the ground and pulled up dirt, the sound of it hitting something made Limbrey shout stop and tell Renfield to dig it up by hand before she came over and peeked down the hole.

    "This has got to be the cross." She said, "it's smaller than I thought. It looks like a—"

    "Casket." Rafe finished.

    "He put it in a casket." Limbrey said and chuckled. "Denmark put it in a casket. Get it up."

    The machine moved again and went into the hole dug, gripping something and pulling up a wooden box, lowering it down onto the ground.

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