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(Based on an idea I had where Quackity is using Fundy as leverage against Wilbur to convince him to join Las Nevadas or sum')

"You know me Wilbur, I'm not like Dream okay? I'm giving you a choice here. You could join me and let Fundy live another day... or you could walk away and leave him for dead. After all, it's just one life. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter anyway?" Fundy fixed his gaze onto the ground, berating himself for letting Quackity put him in such a position. Meanwhile, Wilbur looked on as Quackity held an axe to Fundy's throat, poised to end the fox right there and then. "So.. all I have to do is walk away and that's it? That's the end of the story?" Quackity smiled and nodded while Fundy hung his head, both knowing that Wilbur was considering the offer. Nodding back at Quackity, Wilbur turned on his heel and took a step towards the mouth of the cave making to leave until a new voice sliced the silence with anger and despair. "Wilbur! Don't you dare take another step in that direction!" Philza cried out from where he was hiding behind a stone pillar. Turning back to Philza, Wilbur raised a questioning eyebrow, "Why shouldn't I Phil? Why shouldn't I leave this traitor to his fate?" Fundy bit the inside of his cheek. He would not cry. Philza on the other hand didn't bother trying to hide the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes. "That's your son Wilbur! That's your fucking son and my grandson!" he yelled out in a desperate bid to keep his family from falling further apart.

Wilbur recognised the desperation in Philza's words and turned to back to face Fundy with his eyes wide open. He remembered how Ranboo had once mentioned that he saw Wilbur as a changed man. But had he really changed? Wilbur had just instinctively turned away from his son after all. So had his old friend been wrong about him? Wilbur rubbed his temples, memories of his time as Ghostbur trying to reach out to Fundy haunting him. My little champion... Wilbur gritted his teeth. This was his chance to prove to himself that his friend's words were true. All he had to do was turn around. And this time, he didn't turn away. Seeing that glint in his father's eyes, Fundy choked back a sob. It was too late for him to start caring. Why couldn't he have chosen to be a better father sooner?

Wilbur pulled out his axe, finally ready to fight not for a legacy, not for a symphony but for his family. "Quackity! I think you forgot that there was a third option!" Slowly but surely, Wilbur began walking towards Quackity, gradually picking up the pace as he got closer. "A bet Quackity! If I win I get to walk away with my son as a free man! You win, Fundy's life is yours to take and I'm at your service!" Wilbur broke into a sprint and charged at Quackity with that maniacal look his enemies are all too familiar with. Quackity however, was not so easily bested and striking back with his own axe, pushed Wilbur away from Fundy. "Alright Wilbur, you've got yourself a deal!" Meanwhile, Philza looked on knowing that there was nothing he could do in the moment.

It had never been between Wilbur and Quackity. It was always between Wilbur and Fundy. It would always be between father and son. "It's not my fight chat, it's his" Philza muttered to a passing crow as the torches cast dancing shadows of the two duelists onto the walls. Finally after what felt like forever, Wilbur Soot stared down at Quackity's unconscious form with a much calmer look on his face. However, when he raised his head to look at Fundy, the calm was gone and immediately replaced with sorrow and acceptance. He knew what he had to do.

Taking a few more steps towards Fundy, Wilbur stopped only after there was nothing but an arm's length of space between him and his son. Dropping to his knees, Wilbur placed the bloody axe between them and began. "Fundy, I know I wasn't a good father to you. I know I hurt you. I know I did so much more but right now Fundy, right now! I want to try my best to be there for you. I want to see you grow, I want to do what I failed to do all those years ago. I want to make up for all my mistakes. I want to do what I never did Fundy so if you'll let me... let me be your father again," Fundy stared down at the man who had hurt him the most. Kneeling. Wilbur Soot, former founder and leader of both L'Manburg and Pogtopia and the reason why the former now lies in ruins, was kneeling before him. Asking for forgiveness. In his heart, Fundy wanted nothing more than to just jump into his father's arms and cry for hours and hours on end. But he couldn't. How could he? Just a few minutes ago, Wilbur was all but willing to leave Fundy for dead. Why should Fundy forgive him? Just because he's his father? Looking past Wilbur who still had his head down, Fundy turned to Philza for advice on what to do. "I can't help you with this one mate. This has to be all you."

So Fundy closed his eyes and blocked all his thoughts and asked himself the million dollar question. What do I want out of this? It only took a few seconds for the answer to become clear to him. Opening his eyes again, Fundy wiped away the tears and knelt down so that he was at eye level with Wilbur. "Come on Wil, it's already dark and it's too late for you to travel to... wherever your base is. I have a couple of beds for you and Phil to crash on back at my place though." Forgiving was not the same as forgetting but all Fundy was sure of was that in that moment, he just wanted to have a family again. Philza smiled from the corner of the cave, relived to see his family finally at peace even if only for a moment. He couldn't be the one telling Fundy to forgive his father, it was too late for that. Now, the choice to forgive Wilbur was entirely up to the son he left behind. As for Wilbur, he made a silent vow to himself that night, never again would he turn his back to his son like he had too many times in the past. Never again.

 Never again

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