You're Alive!

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(Xanders POV)

Hearing a soft whisper made me slowly open my eyes I could feel a hand getting a little tighter around mine. My eyelashes fluttered

"(Y/N) is that you...?" I sounded tired the blurry vision of his fugure I could barely make out. I shout my eyes a few times

A little chuckle escaped (Y/N)'s lips "Hey Babe..." he spoke so sweetly giving me a small smile his eyes looked droopy he looked so weak I couldn't bare seeing him like that

"Y-Your awake and alive oh thank god" I hugged him gently trying not to hurt him he's too fragile with those bandages around his waist I started feeling water pour down my eyes and on my cheeks

"Hey hey hey shhhh it's ok I'm ok you don't need to worry ok..." (Y/N) placed his hands on my cheeks and gently wiped away those tears pulling me in closer running his hands through my hair

I sniffles "I-its all my fault...i-i shouldn't have called your name...y-youre like this because of me.." I started to cry into his chest I felt so pathetic...

The door of the hospital room soon open "Oh Mr (y/l/n) you're awake that ls good" The doctor said looking at the two of us

I slowly removed myself off (Y/N) wiping my face from any water

"How long have I been out for" (Y/N) asked looking at the doctor while holding my hand

"2 days sir. Your body hit the ground hard...Your ribs will be bandaged for quit sometime so please be careful going around" The doctor said with a smile giving us both the all good to leave the hospital

Looking over at (Y/N) his hand was gently placed on the bed frame. Gently trying to push himself up he legs wobbled a little

I quickly ran to his side catching onto his arms, looking at him with a worried face. I could see the pain in his eyes wanting this to stop and be over with

"This hurts..." (Y/N) said sitting back down on the bed wincing in pain his ribs must be digging into some parts of his skin giving him so much agony

I put my hands behind my back I could feel them shake I wanted to was all my fault..."i-its all my shouldn't be like this. I should've gotten the broken ribs...n-not you..." Tears fell down my face I didn't want that...

My heart was pounding faster my tears were falling like rivers breaking down to my knees clutching closer to my chest...'s-stop crying you idiot' my tears dripped from my face and onto the floor

"H-Hey babe...look at me...Luke did this to didn't do anything wrong...please understand this isn't your doing..." (Y/N) started playing with my hair looking at my eyes look more like water

Knowing (Y/N) could see me looking like a mess I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Clasping my hands tighter leaving indents of my nails on my palms

(Y/N) slowly managed to get himself up taking some pain killers the doctor provided for him "Darling...Come on let's go home.."

I started getting up on my feet placing one of my lovers arms around my shoulder so I could help him leave the hospital

Whilst exiting the hospital i could see small drops of water falling from the sky the rain had come down to say hello. The water started to get in-between the bandages on (Y/N)'s chest. Frantically I took my hoodie off and placed it over his shoulders. It might have been a little too big for him but, for now it was the best thing I could've done

Reaching the entrance of my home I noticed my father's car out the front I gulped and opened the front door the reeking smell of white and red bottles echoed throughout the house going through my nose. Father passed out on the couch with a bottle in his hand

I sighed carefully taking (Y/N) upstairs to my room and carefully setting him down on my bed making sure he was comfortable "Um I'll be right back with a glass of water..." I said closing my bedroom door as I left the room

Making my way back down the stairs looking at how miserable my father is I can't imagine the shit he goes through

First glance at him you may think he's a monster a terrible father. When in reality he's just trying to make sure I'm able to stay in school...i walked up to him kneeling down I removed the bottle from his hand, grabbed a blanket and placed it over him making sure he stays warm. I gave him a quick kiss on the head and whispered "I love you dad..."

I walked to the bin the kitchen and chucked the bottle away. As I went to get thr glasses from the cabinet I looked at the counter and noticed 2 plates of food along with them was a note

I went to the note and opened it.

To Xander
I received a call from school letting me know what had happened to you and another kid (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I went to school with his mother...I stopped by the hospital the other day to make sure you weren't hurt or in danger...I just hope you come home soon. I figured you would pretty hungry so I made you 2 plates of's your favorite...I hope you're home and safe soon. I'll come up to your bedroom in the morning. Figures cross you're there...
Love Dad

I couldn't help but, smile reading such a well thought note. I grabbed the food and two glasses of water putting them on a cooking tray to make it easier to carry.

I walked back to my room using my elbow to open the door I noticed (Y/N)looking out the window "Um babe...I've got some water and some food here..." I said placing the tray down on my bed and sitting down next to him

(Y/N) looked at me smiling and adjusting himself comfortably "Thank you darling..where did you get the food from?" He asked eating some of the food

"My dad left a note hoping I would be back home soon and made me two plates but, I figured I'd give you the other need some food to" I said slowly eating my plate of food

After a little while we had both finished our food and drank our waters and now we were laying next to eachother on my bed I was being extra careful to make sure I don't touch (Y/N)'s was a little upsetting though we could barely cuddle but, his safety was more important

(Y/N)'s beautiful eyes started to drift of to dream land. I didn't dare to move or wake him

I looked outside looking at the rain drops racing down my window and the stars shining brightly in the deep blue sky. I smiled and placed my blanket over the both of us

Gently I pushed (Y/N)'s hair away from his face and I placed a gentle kiss on his lips

"I love you..." I said before I drifted away. I wonder the dreams I'll have tonight

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