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Sophie: Heyyy

Keefe: Hello?

Biana: I am trying to sleep here!!!!!

Fitz: Yeah, shut up!

Dex Dizznee is online

Sophie: Hi Dex!!!

Dex: Fitz, Biana, turn off the notifs

Dex: Hi Sophie

Biana: How? I just got a new phone

Dex: Uh...

Sophie: Woah!!! What model?

Biana: iPhone 13

Dex: Rich!!!!!!

Keefe: I m a g i n e

Biana: Oh uh... I got it on sale

Dex: What for?

Biana: Umm...  $1,200

Dex: Oh nice!!!

Keefe: Isn't the price normally around $1, 800?

Fitz: Yeah

Keefe: Wait you got one too?

Fitz: Yep, now let me sleep

Biana: Yeah bye!

Keefe: Bai

Dex: Bye

Sophie: Cya!!!

Fitz and Biana have turned off chat notifications

Fitz and Biana have gone offline

Dex: Ahhhhh, you found it.

I hope you liked it!!! I am sorry that it was short!!! I will do a longer chapter next upload! Btw I will try to upload at least once a week but I will occasionally go on hiatus!

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