A Kiss Before Marriage!

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Anirudh and Bondita were meant to be together. They were always meant for each other, and so were their words and dreams.
Everything about them was complementary to each other.

Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, a freshly learnt Barrister was the Son of the Roy Chowdhary's. He was a handsome, smart and the most perfect man any girl would wish to marry.

He was the gentlest with the ones he loved and too harsh for those who weren't worth his love.

His marriage was fixed with the daughter of his Kaka's childhood friend, Mr. Prosonjeet Das. Bondita, his to be wife, was a beautiful young girl.

Anirudh had wished to have a wife who was educated and that's what made this marriage tie succesful. Bondita was educated and loved to read and write, like Anirudh Babu.

They both had met a few times in some family gatherings and marriages. Though, never talked much, they liked each other. So, when asked for the marriage, they didn't deny.

It was obviously better to marry somone you know, than marrying someone who is completely unknown!


That day, the Roy Chowdharys had payed a visit to Bondita's home. The wedding date was to be fixed along with other rituals.

As the elders were sitting outside, Somnath and Batuk went to talk to their Boudi.... To be!
Bondita and Batuk were of the same age, and hence the three bonded up soon.

Anirudh Babu was sitting with his Kaka, unable to leave the room. His Kaka would surely get raged if he didn't show interest in these rituals.

He even was worried about his family asking for any Dowry. He definitely couldn't let that happen! He was against all pf this, and that made him feel that he can even go against his family if something like this comes up.

Finally, after everything was done, everyone went to have the lunch. As the elders were having their lunch and a great time talking and relishing this new family tie, anirudh snuck out and went to meet Bondita.

He was so much in favour of knowing each other before marriage and wanted to talk to her. Bondita too wasn't in support of marrying someone without knowing them properly, so it didn't seem wrong to her to talk to Anirudh.

Both of them had told their mothers about this secret meeting and the women allowed happily. Afterall, the families weren't new to each other.

As Anirudh and Bondita walked up to the second floor, away from everyone else, a sudden shyness took over them.

Until now, it was all so adventurous to hide their families and meet like this, but now it all seemed nothing but weird.

Bondita was continuously looking down, twisting the edge of her saree as she didn't know what else to do!
Anirudh too, was a little awkward now. He was busy looking around at the walls and the paintings, trying to find something to talk about and escape this weirdness between them.

Finally, as they were walking past the corridor, Anirudh sighed and stopped.

"Umm... Okay! I guess, this is getting awkward!" He smiled nervously at  Bondita.

"Yeah.... Maybe, it is!" Bondita replied, chuckling as she turned to look at him.

"But we're getting married. We shouldn't be so awkward around each other, I guess!" He said, walking near to her.

"Y.. Yeah!" She replied.
"Shall I show you around the house?" She offered.

"Sure!" Anirudh smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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