"You're beautiful, leiirin. And so soft," his deep, raspy voice murmured into my ear, making goosebumps cover my skin.

A nervous, electrifying heat spread through me, and I moved my body so I fit perfectly into him. "I can't keep my hands off you," he muttered huskily, his hands moving from my arms down to my hips.

"Then don't," I answered airily, meaning every word.

A deep chuckle rumbled through his body. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable," he said kindly, caring about my feelings in a way that made my heart ache for him even more than it already did.

Nodding, I closed my eyes and concentrated on how his hands moved to my stomach, painfully slowly tracing their way upwards.

"Do you like this?" he asked, his voice right next to my ear.

Again, I nodded, and felt him harden against me. It nearly made me shudder with a deep, recoiling pleasure.

"Mmhhmm," I murmured, the tingling sensation that his hands caused fogging my brain.

"How about this?"

When his hands cupped my breasts, I inhaled sharply, and more heat pooled in my stomach as my thighs felt warmer. It drove me insane, just lying there, being touched like that. It did all sorts of things to my mind.

But I could no longer lie there, motionless, and turned around instantly with my eyes fluttering open.

Reagan's lips curved into a lazy smile. "Everything about you is beautiful."

I smiled up at him but my stare was fixed on his lips. I slowly licked over mine and without letting any thoughts hinder my instincts, I arched my neck and softly placed my own lips on his, moving in sync. When he pressed for more, I explored all of him and let him explore me. My hands wandered across his muscular back, into his long, black hair as his trailed down the side of my body. I pushed myself into him, wanting our bodies to touch in every way they could. There was nothing on my mind but want. Need, even, that began to take over my actions.

"Take it off," I muttered between kisses and Reagan didn't hesitate to follow my instructions.

Pulling off my shirt, he exposed even more skin to touch his and a fire started between us that made me burn for him. I grabbed the hem of his and pulled it over his head. Trailing my hands over his chest, I glanced down when my fingertips brushed over a roughness I couldn't place. One large scar stretched from his shoulder blade all the way to the curve of his hip on the other side. I gasped.

"I never saw this before!"

Reagan, still with his eyes closed, pulled my lips up to his with his hand cupping the back of my head. "I know. I mask it in public."

Confused, I broke off the kissing, though Reagan growled lightly when I did.

"Why would you do that?"

When a golden stare bore into mine, I felt something tingle through my body. I could have lost myself in his gaze and stay wherever they'd put me, forever. As long as Reagan was with me, everything was okay. The world was put on hold, while time stilled and stopped, only for us.

"Because people ask questions when they see something out of the norm."

Ah. That seemed confirmation enough that he disliked being questioned.

"Plus, might make people think I'm weak. Can't have that."

I laughed at that. "With these arms?"

I tried wrapping my hand around one of his biceps, but my palm barely even covered the inside of his upper arm. He smiled at me. He suddenly grabbed mine and pulled me onto him. Sitting up, I smiled back at him. This was the first time I wasn't required to look up. It made me feel strangely confident.

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