part 2

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As skye got closer, chase closed his eyes, but then all he heard was

"Tag you it," skye said, using her nose to tag his as she ran away, giggling

"Hey, that's not fair, skye," chase yelled as he ran after her "well, catch me if you can chase," she said as she kept running

"Alright, it's on." said chase as he went after skye

The two played together for hours, just the two of them enjoying each other company's and having fun on their day off

Eventually, they stop for a short break

"wow, skye, this was fun." said chase as he was catching his breath

"Yeah, it's a lot of fun just of the two of us chase." skye said, " so do you want to continue?" Chase asked

"Yeah, I do but let's make it more interesting," skye said with a grin on her face "more interesting?" Chase question

"Yeah, we race, and the losers has to do whatever the winner says," skye said as she looked at chase

"Skye, are you sure it won't be fair since I am faster than you." chase expressed

"Oh, what are you scared that I will beat you," she said in a sarcastic tone

"Ok, I'm not scared to lose, so where are we racing to" chase question " we are racing to the lookout entrance, and first one there is the winner," skye said as she pointed in the direction they need to go

The two of them get into a starting position

"Ok, then 3,2,1 go!" Skye said

Chase takes off and is in the lead, but then he hears the sound of engines

He turned around and saw skye had active her wings "hey that not fair skye," chase shouted to her

"I didn't  say we couldn't use our pup pack," skye said while grinning and taking the lead

Chase tried to go faster, but her wings are too fast, and she is about to reach the lookout entrance but then

"Ahh, eagle, " skye scream as she flies towards it head-on

"Skye, watch out!" Chase yelled with fear in his voice

"Ahhhh," she screamed but managed to barely dodge but the eagle talons price her wings caused her to fall out of the sky

"Skye" yelled chase as he ran under her to catch her

He runs under and breaks her fall by taking the hit

"Skye, are you ok' chase said with worries in his voice; skye opened her eyes and saw she was safe on top of chase

" Yeah, I'm ok, but what about you," she asked, getting off of him and gets back on her paws. "I'm ok, skye," he assured her

"You saved me by breaking my fall chase," she said "it's ok we're good friends after all," Chase said

"Thanks, chase that eagle came out of nowhere." as she looks back in the sky, "yeah, it did, but what happened to your wings?" he question

"well, it got damaged for sure, but it was pretty bad that it can no longer fly." She said as she looked at her damaged wings

"Well, we should get ryder to take a look at it, so let's go," Chase said as he opened the entrance to the lookout

"Wait," skye said as she stopped in her tracks

"What," he said, " you won chase," skye said, chase the looks at the door and realized he did win the race

"Oh wow, I did not know," he said
"Well, I guess I have to do what you say."skye said, looking at him with a smile

" well, you should go to ryder to see about your wings. I'll think of something in the meantime," chase said while walking inside

Skye then heads to ryder and explains the issue to him

"Ryder," skye said, getting his attention"yeah, skye, what can I help you with, "ryder said while looking at her

She explains what happens to her wings and shows him the damage

" well, it looks bad, but I say you give me time. I'll call you when it's fixed, ok," ryder said as he placed her wings on a table

"Ok, ryder, I will be going, " skye said as she made her way back to chase

skye came back after speaking to ryder

"So what did he say about your wings," asked the German shepherd

"Well, he called me when there fixed but did you figure what you want," skye said. Look at the chase, who wags his tail

"Well, I need tell you something." chase said to skye

"What is it, chase," skye asked

"Well, we've know each other  for a long time, and I think it's time I tell you something I've been hiding," chase said but with a nervous in his voice

"what is it chase" skye question

"Is that I was scared to tell you, but I wanted to tell you that I love you and if you wanted to go out," chase said, closing his eye in anticipation of what skye response will be

Another note
Ok, I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank all those who read this, so it's all thank all of you; it will take teak but for the next part, so until then, take care

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