'Kevin! Wait! You're going to trip' kids running and shouting pass Philip. Hearing a name stating with K made hin remember the first one.. Keith.... maybe he shoukd call him up again....

It's been a while since Phil had been dressed up pretty all alone without any plans. It was either call a cab and go home, or call Belarus then go to the club to join him. Philip looks at the sun. His response to it never changed a bit... 'So breathtaking but annoying' this is also how he could describe Belarus.

Not really knowing what to do, he decides to just stroll down the block and find a bookstore. Phil looks around him then sees two love birds and 3 kittens. The birds flew away right when he was unlocking his phone so he didn't get the chance to take a picture. He curses in disappointment.  Belarus likes love birds for some reason, he finds them interesting. Instead of sending a picture of rhe lovebirds, Phil took a picture of the kittens. He navigates through his messages to find Belarus.

As he was typing of different things to say about the cats, the place suddenly gets crowded by people running with cameras and phones in their hands. Phil was about to go and check it out when he gets a notification from Instagram... South Korea is shooting an ad advertisement here today. Philip curses, wanting to disappear. He wants to pull his hair out. More people rushing pass him made him drop his phone.

He tries to stand properly and leave to grab his phone on the ground. Seeing that he's having trouble, he gets grabbed by the arm to support his stance. The other arm wrapped around him and people started to avoid them. The suffocating feeling disappeared. The man walks towards the alleyway to hide from everyone, giving him space to breath. The man hugs him tightly, trying trying protect him from the wave of people running. When Phil looks up to his savior, the man was very much not what he was expecting....

'You're safe' the man says to him in a proud tone. Philip blinks twice, not noticing the blush creeping up on his face. 'I..' Philip is speechless. "What's he doing here?" He wonders. 'I... what brings you here, North?' Phil asks to lessen the awkwardness. North just blankly stared at Philip for a minute before responding. 'I was going to a bookstore, to find something to read' Phil didn't expect to bump into North here, let alone for him to act like a knight in shining armour. Phil face softens, 'Oh.. same' Phil says with curiosity in his eyes. Phil would say that he is friends with North, well.. just not on his badside... 'I was also going to buy a book, how about let's go together?' North nods at Phil's suggestion. There were times where they would walk together, either side by side while North silently stares at Philip or North walks behind Philip while he intently stares at him. North kinda has a soft spot for him. Phil is just glad that even though North is kind awkward and creepy wirh him just standing and staring at everyone without saying anything, he's not a pervert like his brother. Well.. at least he doesn't show it..... North's voice is deeper than South's and Phil quite likes it. Deeper in tone, perhaps because south tries to sound cheerful and changes his voice a little bit.... North just doesn't show any energy...

North peaks over and sees that the coast is clear so he shows Phil and "Ok" sign. When Phil as about to take a step, he gets stopped by North. North's hand blocks Phil from leaving the spot. Phil was about to question when he suddenly hears Souths voice. Phil freezes in place. North could feel philil shaking a little. North furrows his brows, not liking that Phil is shaking like this. He grabs Phil's other hand, then places his hand on Phil's back to hug him. If North is trying trying comfort Phil, it's quite working. Phil couldn't help but burrow his face into norths chest. 'Oh. what's up, North? You better leave, I'm film- is that a girl? Hey, show me your little date ey~' Phil hears south say. North places his hand on the back of Phil's head to cover him. 'want to share her-' Phil shudders hearing south whisper this.

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