chapter 2 - a total disaster

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Philip gulps. He doesn't want to go. Philip  gets very anxious around people he doesn't know. If it weren't for Belarus, people would be bullying him non-stop about his height.

'I....' Phil can't find the right words to say.

America is one of the popular kids and, he doesn't really care if Phil wants to go or not. All he cares about is the number of likes, comments, and shares his posts will get if he got Phil to go with them to the club. It is very selfish but he can't deny the opportunity for more money.

'People would freak! This'll be trending on Twitter and IG!' America thought.

He figured out the perfect thing to say to get Philip to come with them.

'If you want to go, say what'


'HAH! GOT YOU! NOW YOU HAVE TO COME!' Mexico and the others grab Phil by the arm. They brought him to a car.

Next thing Phil knew, they were heading to the club. Phil couldn't do, nor say anything.

Philip braced himself, not really having any time to process the situation since he just got dragged inside-. Everyone is smilling and having a good time.

Phil is thankful that they let him be. Phil quietly sits on a bar stool while watching everyone have fun. Belarus, America, South Korea, North Korea and the others are at it again. 'So many ladies...' He says in his mind. Each of them are surrounded by more than five girls.

Phil asks the bartender to make him a drink with only a bit of alcohol in it. Phil might not be enjoying the fact that he's in a place full of people but, he enjoys watching the bartender make the drinks.

'Hey, Phil! Come on'

'This girl is perfect for you'

Philip forces a smile as he shakes his head no. He doesn't want to join them.


'What about her then?' Mexico shows him another lady.

Philip is very uncomfortable. If Phil were straight, then he might be interested to join them but he's not. All the girls seem to be "Interested" Phil knows that they are just interested because of Phil's fame.

'I'm sorry but I just want to sit here and drink....' Phil's heart is pounding hard because of anxiety. He lied about wanting to drink alcohol.

'Aight, just come join us if you change your mind' America taps Phil on the shoulder.

They took some pictures of and with Philip before leaving him alone again.

Philip sighs in relief.


Phil turns to the guy next to him.

'huh?' Phil is confused, what does this guy want?

The man slides a drink in front of Philip.

'Want more drinks?' the guy asks him.

Philip can smell the booze from this guy. He must be drunk.

'Uhh.... No thanks...' Philip is starting to get uncomfortable.


'I know what you want' the guy says.

'Excuse me?' Phil tries to lean backwards because the man leaned a bit closer to him.

'You're gay aren't ya?'

Phil gulps hard. He's shocked at what the man said to him. The man isn't wrong... But how did he..... No one knows Phil's secret....

It all worked out in the end (Countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now