chapter 6 - just like yesterday

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Noticing that none of his siblings are home, he decided to head to the kitchen. He gave a maid a wink, which the maid immediately understood. The maid quietly went out of the kitchen so that Belarus could do his thing. Belarus grabbed the jar which contained the remaining zefirs. Instead of taking only one, he transferred all the remaining zefirs into a bag before quickly fleeing the scene. He knew that it would piss them off very much. They all usually fight over the remaining sweets but, since he's the only one home, no one could stop him. Right after taking the remaining sweets he returned to his quarters.

Kazakhstan is at the bowling alley, Russia is playing Billiards somewhere, and Ukraine is out shopping again.

Belarus lays down on his bed with a satisfied grin. He had just finished telling his siblings about what he did.

He decided to start scrolling through his photos before chatting with some girls he fancied on FG.

As he scrolls through his photos, he accidentally dropped his phone on his face. He groaned, then picked up his phone from his face. 'Hm?' he noticed that he switched to ressenger chats when he accidentally dropped his phone on his face. He remembered that he was chatting with Ukraine a few minutes ago.

'Oh, wow! Ukraine still has this picture?!' he's amazed to see the picture that he had been looking for. 'Damn, Ukraine had it all this time. He forgot that he just seened mode Ukraine. Ukraine sent another picture of her middle finger. 'F*ck off, b*tch. If you want to see this again, you must make the new batch of zefirs' Belarus reads Ukraine's text message. Belarus sighs then rolls his eyes. He doesn't want to be the one to make the new batch but it is tempting since he could get the picture back.

It's a picture of him and Philip when they were little. 'Phil was so cute! His hair was so curly, hahaha' Belarus enjoys seeing him this picture after a long time. He saves the picture with a happy smile. He was smiling brightly in this picture, while Phil was trying his best to smile. Phil tried his best but he was embarrassed that he was getting photographed.

This made Belarus think about the old days. 'Being a kid was fun' Belarus says with a bit of irritation in his voice.

One thing that he would never regret in his life, was the moment he asked Phil to be his friend. What would happen if he didn't? Belarus can't imagine it....

-A lot, lot, lot of years ago-

Belarus is quite the trouble maker. It's not a surprise to hear someone shouting his name in an irritated tone every 10 minutes. But even though he's quite the trouble maker, he makes a lot of friends because of his alluring personality. He was, and is still a handsome lad. From a young age, he had the girls fawning over him. Still a ladies man.

He, along With his siblings all have their own group. Russia and Kazakhstan don't really care much about the new comers. They will only allow people who earned their trust join their group. Ukraine on the other hand, is only enthusiastic about the new girls. But Belarus is different. He's friendly with everyone, he has no biases. Belarus was very happy to hear that there would be another person joining them at school.

He was elated to see Philip. He was so enthusiastic, he almost made Phil cry.

Even at such a young age, Phil had been quite anxious. Asean noticed this about Philip, so he stayed until Phil settled in nicely. Asean got distracted by a teacher so he absent mindedly let go of Phil's hand.

Phil was terrified when Asean let go of his hand, he became so anxious when he saw how many kids were in the room. Everyone had a buddy except him, which made him even more anxious. He was quite the antisocial kid.

It all worked out in the end (Countryhumans)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum