chapter 9

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When Philip got to his house, he immediately locked the door in panic. He feels like south was going to lunge at him at any moment, and that he couldn't do much because his body still hurts. To calm himself down, he thought about making a cup of milo and grabbing some chips for him to snack on while watching some anime.

Thus he walked to his bedroom to grab a blanket. He passed by his full length mirror, so he caught glimpse of himself. The mud had already dried, so he forgot that he got splashed with mud by a truck, earlier this afternoon. 'I should take a shower ' he says. He proceeds to unbutton his shirt, then take off his pants. He was about to grab his comb to brush his unkept curly/wavy hair, when memories of the day before flooded his mind as he bent over. He's still pissed off at Belarus, he tried his best to avoid him all day.

Philip shakes his head to remove himself from his thoughts. Then he looks at himself in the mirror. He examines himself, and then he sighs thankfully, that there are no marks on his body. Thinking about deleting Liam's number on his phone, he proceeds to go to the bathroom to shower.

After showering, Philip grabbed his favorite comfortable clothes to wear, then went to the kitchen to grab a snack and make a cup of Milo. Australia gave Philip some milo a few years back, and he fell in love with the chocolate drink. Feeling tired to read today, he went to the livingroom and placed a pillow in front of the sofa, then sat on it. Not thinking much about what movie, he randomly clicked on something before the thumbnails showed. Philip smiled softly when he recognized the movie... it's Belarus' favorite movie. By the 4th time that they watched it together, the opening scene became embedded in Phil's mind.

As Philip takes a sip of milo, he feels the empty feeling again.... he had watched this movie for more than twenty times... but he had never watched it without Belarus.

Meanwhile with Belarus.

Belarus stares at the clock in his room a fidgety.  He has spoken to Philip all day, and he feels so uneasy. Like a drug, he can't sit still if he doesn't talk to Philip for a whole day. The clock was given to him by Philip so he loves it so much.

He keeps staring at his phone, waiting for Philip to text him. He feels so sad and neglected.

He can't stop thinking about Philip. He wants to talk to his best friend.

He sits upright then imagines Philip sitting on the bed right next to him. 'Maybe I should ask Phil if he wants to go bowling next Friday? Just the two of us. Just like old times, it would be fun!'

Again, he feels his heart throb. 'Man, I should cut down on sweets tok huh' he says as he tightly cups his heart.

After staying quiet for a little more, he can't stand it anymore. Finally, he decides to get up and visit Philip. But before that, he has to make a quick stop to Phil's favorite food places.

'Ahaha, Phil! I got chicken! Not fried chicken tho... open up! I know you're in there!' Belarus calls out to Philip a few more times before going silent and waiting. He was going to break the door Down or break a window to get in, but he remembered that he has a spare key to Phil's house. And that Phil usually watches TV and snacks during this time of the week. And he most of the time falls asleep. Belarus' panic goes away and he unclocks the door with the key.

He puts the food down in the kitchen counter, then goes to the livingroom and sees that Phil is sleeping peacefully on the couch. Their most watched movie is also playing on the TV screen.

Philip's blanket is on the floor. Belarus takes a picture of Philip, thinking that it's funny and cute. He picks the blanket off the floor. Phil is sleeping so soundly and defenseless. His hair is messy even though he had brushed it earlier. Phil's collarbone is showing because his shirt is too big for him and his shorts are extremely short. Belarus knows how Phil loves to wear shirts that are bigger than him because he finds it comfortable. Belarus smiles softly 'Cute' he says before putting the blanket over Philip's sleeping body. He sits on the floor, leaning against the couch as he presses the replay button. 'Yoy need sleep, Phil. I'll wait for you to wake up. I won't wake you'

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