Then another order was issued by the emperor. "Put the Mistress of Flame back to her cell! Double the moonrite stone and double the guards patrolling and guarding the chamber. Make sure that no one could go in and out except for me and the Master forgeman. Drain all her blood until there's nothing left and strengthen our weapons again! And then ready for a feast! We will celebrate!"

The emperor's trusted aide immediately called for the general to bring the Mistress of Flame to her moonrite prison while the Prime minister went to share the joyous news and ready the feast.

Meanwhile, the emperor asked Warlord Hakkeran to stay in the throne room to hear his whole narrative of what happened. And the warlord recounted every detail to the emperor, of course, he omitted anything that had something to do with him and Sollel being together in close proximity.

After his report, the emperor finally let Hakkeran leave to return to his home town, Adral.

Upon Hakkeran's arrival at his castle in Adral with his gryphon, Treven welcomed him with a smile when he entered his castle's great hall.

"Look who just arrived," Treven sipped his liquor from the goblet he was holding while sitting on Hakkeran's throne. "How's Queen Sollel?"

Hakkeran gritted his teeth. "Imprisoned. Again."

Treven left Hakkeran's chair to give way for the warlord who owned it. "Isn't that your plan?"

"It is, but seeing my queen in that state..." Hakkeran was so close to exploding and killing the emperor.

Treven sighed and finished his liquor. "And Gatria?"


Treven nodded. "Thank you for keeping your promise."

Hakkeran sat on his chair. "A promise is a promise. And you also did your own part splendidly. I'm satisfied with your work. By the way, how was your trip? Did you finally seduce someone?"

Treven chuckled while playing with his crystal balls. "I did meet someone interesting. A half-demon."

That piqued Hakkeran's interest. "Another warlord?"

Treven nodded while a smile was playing on his lips as if he saw something really interesting. "His arcane weapon is a cursed scimitar. He had blind folds around his eyes and he has a very demonic handsome face."

Hakkeran raised his eyebrow at Treven. "That's not what I want to know, Treven."

"You're always no fun, Hakkeran." Treven chuckled and face Hakkeran. "Yes." Treven said as if he was confirming what Hakkeran wanted to know. "He's strong, but not easy to sway. He's a very upstanding warlord, opposite to you in every sense of the word."

Hakkeran grimaced and Treven just innocently grinned, making Hakkeran sighed.

"Is he an ally or not?" Hakkeran didn't care about the other stuff.

"I don't know," Treven sighed. "He's handsome though. Totally my type. I might seduce him. Who knows, he might be willing to be our ally if he fell for me."

Hakkeran sighed at Treven. "Is he even interested in men?"


"Then don't bother him. Let him choose whether he wants to be an ally or not."

Treven narrowed his eyes on Hakkeran. "I know you, you nasty warlord! You'll kill him if he turned out a foe."

"Yes." Hakkeran didn't even bother denying his intention.

"Fuck you, Hakkeran. He's a very handsome man!" Treven glared at Hakkeran. "He's totally my type!"

"Bur you're not his type."

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