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Kelly Severide sat inside the common area of Firehouse 51, everyone was eating breakfast hoping to finish their meal before the bells go off.

"Severide...I need to see you in my office please."

Chief Boden's deep voice sounded concerned

"Sure thing Chief"

Making his way to the office Kelly saw an official looking woman sitting in front of the large desk.

"Mr. Severide?"

She stood and stuck out her hand, Kelly shook it.

"That's me, how can I help you?"

"I am Tina Carver from the Division of Family & Children Services of Chicago."

"..Ok? What is this about?"

He asked looking between the Chief and the woman

"So your father Benjamin Severide has passed, correct?"


"So there is a situation with your sister..."

"Katie? What's the situation with Katie?"

"I'm sorry? Katie?"

The woman looked confused

"Yes, my sister. My only sister."

"Oh...so you are not aware of Sadie Quinn Severide?"

"Um no..."

"Well um the situation is that her mother passed away last week. And since your father passed as well I was wanting to connect with you to see if...you would be able to be her Guardian."

"Are we sure she's his?"

"Yes, the paternity test was taken at her birth. She is now 13 years old."

He rubbed the back of his neck, cursing his dead father. Not only did he keep Katie a secret, but he kept Sadie a secret too? Two sisters he could have been in their lives for.

"Um, I don't know a thing about taking care of a kid. I'm always working. I-"

"Mr. Severide I do not mean to pressure you, but I do need a decision today."

"Ms. Carver, if Severide is unable to take this child in, what happens to her?"

Chief Boden interrupted

"If Mr. Severide is unable to take her in, she will be considered a Ward of the State and be placed into the system."

"Foster care?"

He looked over to Boden, who looked equally concerned

"Yes, I'm afraid so. At least until she gets adopted, but unfortunantly for teenagers that dosent happen a lot of the time."

Kelly crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Could he take care of a kid? What about Stella? They're in a good place right now. And what about work? Boden interrupted his thoughts

"Severide, if you choose to take in your sister you will have my full support. And I'm sure the rest of the house's as well."

Kelly thought for a moment more

"Ok..I'll do it."

After signing countless forms, he followed Tina outside to the waiting SUV. She motioned to someone and the back door popped open.

Sadie stepped out, a 5 foot tall girl with long blonde hair up in a ponytail. She wore a black hoodie with jeans and teal converse.

"Sadie, this is your brother Kelly."

She looked up at him, looking into eyes that matched hers.

"Hi Sadie, it's really nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too."

"Alright well I'll leave you two to it, if you have any questions or anything please feel free to contact me."

"Thanks Ms. Carver."

Both Kelly and Sadie watched as she got in the SUV and drove away.

"Well Sadie...Welcome to Firehouse 51."

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now