"I-I've had th-this shit my wh-whole life, you f-fucktards know nothing about me!"

The doctor sighed and shook his head, "Yes, this attitude could just be another symptom. Please allow your child some time."

I turn and notice that both of those men were looking at me with actual concern. Like, as if I were actually their kid. I glare back at them, scowling, but slowly my scowl dies down. I don't... think I've ever been looked at like that. Not even by my own mother. Certainly not by my own father.

I kinda ...liked that look being trained on me. I feel myself calm a little for some reason and gaze at the two men. Were these really that (Y/N)'s parents? Did they look at (Y/N) like that everyday? (Y/N)'s a luckier version of me then...even if they were adopted, at least their parents seemed to care.

"You've went though a lot in just this night, (Y/N). Me and your father will do everything we can to make sure you get through this," One of (Y/N)'s parents said in a serious tone; that was the one with dark red hair. The other brown haired man nodded, along his face twisted with worry.

...I started to feel a bit ...jealous.

"Do we have the okay to take them home or not?" The red-head said, glaring at the doctor. The doctor nodded, "just make sure you monitor (Y/N) closely and make sure their injuries are properly taken care of. Make sure they try not to move around too much as well."

"Understood. Thank you for your help," The brown haired one sighed, sounding relieved.

I couldn't help but just stare at (Y/N)'s parents the whole time.

I realize that I'm limping as one of (Y/N)'s parents helped me out of their car. "Want me to carry you inside?" He asked, holding me carefully beneath my arm.


I know I probably should've already taken the time to admit and prove that I'm not their kid, but something was holding me back and I decided to play along anyways.

The other man exited the car and came over, helping and taking my other arm and the two of them helped me inside the house and into (Y/N)'s bedroom.

Once they set me down on the bed, I take a look around the room and then at them in silence.

"You seem so shaken up. The police are still hunting down the criminal that broke in here and shot you, don't worry buddy," The brown haired man assured, gently rubbing my good shoulder.

I flinched slightly but quickly calmed down and allowed the humans to touch me. Well, at least these ones...

My tics started acting up at that moment and my head cracked uncontrollably to the side and the men frowned, looking at me different. I growled under my breath.

'Oh great. Here it goes as, expected. Everyone always has to be disgusted by "Ticci" Toby....'

"It's strange how we've never seen you with tics before," Brown haired man said, shaking his head, "but that doesn't change anything. We still love you the same and we'll make sure your good. Even if you still look a mess, haha."

He ruffled my head and I was once again left in shock. "Hurry up and get better so you could get up and get a job. You're almost 20 you lazy doofus," The red-head said in a playfully scolding voice.

"If...if y-you say so...d-dad...?" I say cautiously, wanting to try it out, just to see how it would feel. I've never felt comfortable saying that word, ever. Even as it left my mouth now, I felt disgusted. But these two guys still made everything feel different. Dad....

"Yeah...? Why'd you say it like you're unsure? That's me, your old man, Ryan," the red-head responded, lightly punching my shoulder.

"I—I don't know. I'm tired, that's wh-what..." I mumble. "Then you should get some rest. I'll redo your bandages later," The brown-haired man replied, taking me by my shoulders and laying me back in the bed. "Get some rest (Y/ N), tomorrow will be a better day, we promise."

Somehow, I actually believe that it will be. Even though I'm am currently in the strangest situation ever.

"I hope so," I say, pulling (Y/N)'s covers over me as I lay in (Y/N)'s bed. At the same time that pretending to be (Y/N) felt so wrong, I couldn't help but feel that it would make me feel better. Like it would fill in the part of my heart where a huge empty hole was present. Something that not even the other killers could fill completely with all the time I've been with them.

I chuckle to myself as (Y/N)'s dads leave the room and I'm left in the room with some kids channel playing on the tv. It's like I'm normal again. Laying in a bed in a normal house with parents that care about me and a tv playing shows from my very very young childhood.

I...I like this a lot. Though, it really makes me wonder what's going on with my doppelgänger anyways...

Meh, they're probably dead. If they are, that could be good news; maybe I can find a way to make both my life as fake (Y/N) and a Creepypasta work out! Then I could get the best of both worlds.

I, Toby Erin Rogers, am currently sitting on the biggest W in the world right now.

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