Chapter 2: New Faces, New Places

Start from the beginning

"I just want... to go home..." he slurred, before hearing the clicking of familiar heels, and the world is painted black.


(Y/N) tiredly opened his eyes to the sound of something beeping. He looked down to his right arm, which had a tube that fed to an IV bag. Still, in his vegetative state, his head slowly identified his surroundings. The ghostly white walls held him in this foreign place, while the lights above seemed an unnormal amount of brightness. Hospital. Hospital is bad. Get Away. Run. He tried to sit up straight hurriedly and was met with something on his right arm stopping him. He quickly looked down to see handcuffs that were strapped to the medical bed and himself. He tried to summon his tentacle frantically, only for it to wriggle out an inch or so before shooting back in. At this point, the heart machine was beeping at such a fast pace, that it started to hurt his ears. It suddenly felt as though his skin was being pricked all over by a thousand needles. The room suddenly got hotter, and it felt like smoke had entered his lungs making it hard to breathe. Echoed cries and pleas filled his head as he tried to thrash his way out of the cuffs. Three people in white suits and blue masks rushed into the room, telling him to stay calm.

He screamed, loud enough that the whole hospital would have heard it. A long cut-off memory wedged its way into (Y/N)'s mind. The same people that were in front of him now looked hollow, their eyes soulless and multiple tools scattered in their hands. Needles. Big ones, filled with some murky, mystery substance. Ventilator masks, tweezers, pliers, scissors, bone saw? The room seemed to stretch on for eternity now as the room was filled with more of those soulless doctors. Each one has that terrifying insignia on its right breast pocket.

"No no no no NO!" he screamed, his body trying so vigorously to get out of the cuffs. "STAY AWAY!" His breathing had become ragged, and he could feel the blood flowing from his wrist onto the cuff. His vision became speckled with black, and once again, after what seemed like endless hours of thrashing, he passed out.

Wearily waking up again, his eyes darted around the room. He was still in the same one, but he could feel some kind of patch on his arm where it had been cut on the cuffs. His eyes quickly darted around the room, until they landed on a familiar figure leaning in the doorway.

"Hey you, you're finally awake," the monotone voice of Eraser's head said as he fiddled with something on his phone. "Took ya long enough." Instead of being scared, you were... confused? He tossed something your way with a muffled "here" as you caught it with your free hand. It was a key... for the cuffs. You put it in, and sure enough, it gave an audible click, releasing you. You slowly sat up, rubbing your wrist where the manacle once was. You were still pretty dazed, as the person you were fighting not long ago had just freed you. Beckoning you with a hand to come with him, your bare feet slapped against the white tile. It sent chills up your spine, and everything in your mind was telling you to run away. Even jumping out the window seemed like a better option than wherever he was taking you. You straightened out your hospital gown and slowly followed Aizawa out of the room. Down a couple of corridors, down the elevator, and out of the glass doors, the golden rays of sun dance across your bare skin. It was a magnificent day, the sun hanging high in the sky with barely any clouds. The streets were not as packed, most likely because it was near lunchtime. At the bottom of the steps was a sleek black car seemingly waiting for you. You both stepped in the back, and the car sped off. You wearily looked over at Eraser, who seemed too calm next to the person who had almost killed him. 

"Least you don't smell terrible now," he voiced while putting his chin into his palm and looking out the window. He was right. Your scrambled (H/C) hair was now straight and clean. Smelled like lavender; lovely. You felt around your face and arms, which now felt spotless. You looked at him confused, before finally starting to speak.

"So... I have a lot of questions," you started, getting nothing but a sigh from Aizawa. "Why am I here? And how am I still alive? And-" 

"You'll see when we get there," he droned, shutting the conversation short. He definitely did not want to speak at the moment, so you sat with your hands on your knees, a knot of nervousness growing in your stomach.

"There are clothes in the compartment behind your seat. I'll give you privacy so you can change into them once I step out. Don't waste my time." He ordered before staring out the window once again.

It took another ten minutes before Aizawa told you to get out of the car, and you stepped out nervously. Patting down a normal t-shirt and jeans, an ominous brown building with a blank face on the front sat, the skin on your arms suddenly crawling. Walking in, your eyes stayed glued to the ground, scared for life for what was going to happen. You finally came to a big door and walked inside after Eraser. The room was gigantic, sporting a giant U-shaped desk that covered most of the room. Seats were placed at every possible spot, and there was a giant podium behind the mentioned U-shaped desk. There was an older woman, with curly white hair and a red lip gloss that you could see for miles sitting behind it. You fidgeted with your hands as your eyes scanned all the police officers that were currently lining the room. There were all shapes and sizes; currently staring daggers into your very soul. You had never felt so small.

"Ah, Eraser! So glad to see you on this fine day!" A voice said from farther in the room. You couldn't make out his features but... wait... were those ears? 

"Principal Nezu. What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked, his groveled voice almost sounding surprised. 

"Well, you know me! I love to hear rulings when it comes to court legislature! Plus, it's my day off!" The tiny ferret man replied. He had on a dark blue suit and pants, with a white undershirt and red tie. "And a wonderful day to see you too, Mr. (L/N)!"

Was this even happening? Did you have the special powers of Doctor Dolittle or something? You tried to rub the invisible ear wax out before Aizawa ushered you to one of the seats near the "principal". 

"Alright, almost everyone is here. Mr (Y/N), are you ready for today's ruling?" Hell to the no you weren't. Plus, isn't there supposed to be a crowd here or something? The jury... I think it's called.

Before you were able to become lost in your thoughts, the doors you had just entered bust open, and two men with one woman stepped in. The trio wore black suits and ties, with a red undershirt. They also had blacked-out sunglasses, which made them look like they meant business. You tried to shrink back into your chair as far as you could as your breathing hitched, noticed by the tiny animal man near you.

"What is wrong, Mr. (L/N)?" he asked. He almost sounded concerned. Concerned. What a funny word. One moment people will care for you, and then throw you out like the trash you were.

Your eyes were glued to their suit pockets as they fully entered the room and sat on the opposite side of the giant U. Your voice was barely audible, and your knuckles were white from gripping tight. You slowly turned to the ferret man and slowly answered and their insignia flashed through your mind.

"Umbrella Corp."


 - Toilet_Watur

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