Chapter 2: New Faces, New Places

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"T-there was nothing on the reports that said anything about this..." Midnight trailed off as she stared at the monstrosity that was now (Y/N). 

"I was testing him out..." Eraser said truthfully. "But this... this is something". His usual stone face had turned into that of a cheeky smile. The two heroes braced themselves as (Y/N) let out a mighty roar and charged forward. Both Midnight and Eraser rolled out of the way on either side. (Y/N) turned on his heel with inhuman speed and grabbed Eraser by the head.

"Holy hell! This kid's fast!" Eraser thought, struggling to get out of the iron grip. (Y/N) chucked him to the side like a ragdoll as Midnight released a volley of lashes from her whip. (Y/N), seemingly unaffected, slowly turned around to look down on the R-rated hero. 

As she kept up her attack, (Y/N) just... stood there. Menacingly.

"Eraser! I don't think regular attacks will work on h-" she said somewhat thrown off as she was backhanded a good 8 feet away. Eraser groaned and stood up, rubbing his eyes.

"And the doctor said I should take some time off," he quipped, his eyes glowing a bright red while his hair stood on end. (Y/N) once again slowly turned around, and walked towards Aizawa at a snail's pace. Instead of turning back into his original body, though, (Y/N) kept trudging on, readying a deadly uppercut. Eraser ducked and hopped out of the way just in time: where he once was, a giant hole had been blasted through the brick building.

"Just what the hell is this kid?!" Eraser called agitated while throwing his scarves at the recovering (Y/N). "My damn quirk won't work on him!" The scarves wrapped around (Y/N)'s right forearm and the beast almost looked confused as to how they had gotten there. Eraser pulled with all his body weight to get some sort of reaction, but they wouldn't budge. Instead, (Y/N) flicked his arm forwards, sending Aizawa flying once again. Midnight, who had finally recovered, put the phone she had just called back into her pocket.

"We might have just bit off more than we can chew Eraser!" Midnight yelled, ripping the fabric near her elbows to send the pinkish gas flowing down the alley. "I called in some extra assistance!" (Y/N)'s head flicked over to Midnight, his brow furrowing. Out came the tentacle that Aizawa knew well at this point, shooting its way over to Midnight, wrapping its way around her waist.

"Oh, my~" she cooed, before being thrown over to where Eraser was. "Is now really the time for that?" he groaned, wiping the dirt out of his hair. Midnight slowly stood up, grabbing another whip from around her waist.

"That's just how I work honey~" she hummed as the two heroes once again readied themselves for a charge. (Y/N) had been keeping his way out and around the smoke, mostly since it couldn't reach up to where his head was at the moment. He howled once again, grabbing the dumpster that he had previously hit Aizawa into with one hand.

"S.T.A.R.S!" (Y/N) boomed, hurling the rusted dumpster towards the heroes. Aizawa, luck being on his side, jumped out of the way of the barreling waste bin. Midnight, however, was clipped mid-jump in the leg and hit the ground with a scream. (Y/N) slowly walked up to her in the way he always did and hoisted her up by the neck with his right hand. He brought her face to the front of his, staring her dead in the eyes. He smelled like the trash and dirt that had stuck to his body for months, and Midnight felt like her nose would burn off. He readied his left fist, about to squash her face to a bloody pulp. Midnight clenched her eyes in fear; she could hear the wind rush that signified the punch, but it never came. Midnight warily opened her eyes to see (Y/N) fist, stopping a mere inch away from her face.

"You are... lucky" he growled, his voice groveled and slow. "Your eyes... remind me... too much... of... mother." He sounded like he was struggling to get the words out. Midnight took her chance, ripping more of her costume off, and sprayed her pink gas straight into (Y/N)'s face. With a disheveled roar, he flung Midnight to the side clutching his face to try to rid himself of the sleepy aroma. His surroundings started to become disoriented. The sirens of approaching cop cars echoed through his skull. He stumbled onto the ground, still trying to rid himself of the thick gas. His vision blurred at the edges, his body slowly returning to its natural state. He put his hands on his ears, trying to drown out everything around him.

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