
Gina knocked on the door of the big yellow house, for a guy who lived alone he had a huge house.
" Oh, hey Gina." Chuck opened the door.
Gina froze as she completely forgot that Chuck moved in with Brodie.

" Hey, um this is for Brodie." She gave him the papers. He smiled when he read
" Adoption papers?" He asked.

" I'm not sure either."

" Huh," he put looked back up at her,
"Do you want to come in?" He asked.

" Yeah sure."

He closed the door behind her.

Gina looked around for Brodie, he wasn't there.

" Brodie's out on a meeting." He told her as if he could read her mind. Gina nodded and set her bag down. She sat on a chair and he sat on the coach In front of her, resting his forearms on his knees. Given what had happened 3 hours ago it was quite awkward between them.

" Gina?" He broke the silence, " Sorry about your cat." He started to laugh making her laugh as well.
" Sorry about your eye brow." She chuckled.
" It's alright, it's gonna leave a badass scar." He said smirked. He looked down for a few moments leaving yet another awkward silence that kept creeping back up on them. He looked around then at Gina.

" Do you wanna play a board game?" He asked.
" I have some in my bedroom."

Gina looked at the stairs then at her bag.
" I'd love to but I have to study for the test."
Gina hated turning down his offer, but she she knew she had to study if she wanted to pass.

" We already studied." He reminded her half joking. She remembered the mints snd thought how nice it'd be to spend time with Chuck before Becky would ruin it.

" You know what, yeah sure." They both stood, leaving the bag and the book alone. Gina hadn't been to Brodie's house in a few months so she hadn't seen Chuck's room.  They walked up the stairs and into the first bedroom on the right.

" I haven't been in here in ages." She stated looking around his room. Gina sat on his bed and glanced around the nearly empty room.
Chuck just moved in so it made since there wasn't much in his room; still it was kinda sad to see only a bed, 1 poster of the Beatles above his bed, and three board games on top his closet.

Chuck chuckled as he sat down next to Gina holding the game Monopoly.
Gina turned to face him while he opened the box.
" Do you know how to play?" He asked her setting down the empty box.

" Yeah, it was my dad's favourite game to play with me." She told him.

"Groovy! We'll all have to play sometime." He said getting out the pieces.

Gina's smiled dropped as she looked at him. He didn't see her face so she decided to tell him another time. Besides they were having fun she didn't want to ruin it with talk about her dead father.

She sat and watched as he set it up. She admired his beautiful facial structure. His eyes were dark and mysterious, his brows were dark and shaped perfectly, his left one with a fresh cat scratch through it. His jawline so harp it could cut.
Just as she was was staring breathlessly at him she remembered the cook book, she left it alone.

" What's wrong?" He asked reading her expressions.

" Oh, I just left my bag downstairs."

He frowned his eye brows in confusion. She realized how stupid it looked to be worried about that so she lied.
" I always carry game characters in it, we could use them if you'd like?"  She figured she'd say she left them at home once she retrieved the bag.

" Oh groovy! I can go get them." He stood.

" Oh you don't have to-"
" It's okay, I'm going get water anyways. Do want some?" He asked.
She shook her head and watched as he went down the stairs.


Chuck grabbed his glass of water and opened Gina's bag.
He opened the front pouch and dug around. He pulled out lip balm and three nail polish bottles. He quickly put them back and searched the larger pouch.

His eyes widened as he looked at the cookbook. He tried to pick it up but his hand burned from the touch.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you." A woman with brown hair and a beige top with matching beige pants said.

" Hm, Gina Silvers? Never would have guessed her." His demeanour changing drastically.

" You leave her alone." She ordered coldly.

" I'm guessing the other two are Becky and Ida? Since you always pick three." He smirked.

" Not always, but of course you know that." She whispered her voice was angelic.
" They are smart. Smarter then you ever were. You won't win."

Chuck chuckled and stood while walking closer to her. " We'll see about that." He smirked and grabbed the bag, walking up stairs.


It was finally time for the carnival,  Gina and the girls arrived before Chuck did.

" Where's Chuck? " Becky asked looking around.

" I'm sure he's here somewhere, Becky." Gina rolled her eyes. They stood by the packed parking lot. They heading inside the gate and started to walk towards the rollercoaster.

" Gina, can you go get us tickets for the movie at 7?" Ida asked giving her money. She nodded and jogged towards the booth.


She turned to see her band teacher.
"Oh, hello." She greeted.
" Hey! I never got to tell you how much I loved your audition on the piano. I really did and I think the others did as well." She smiled and leaned down so nobody could here. " You didn't here it from me but your name is on the top of our list." She winked.

" That's great- urm- That's- Thank you."
She stuttered.
" I'll see on Monday." She licked her ice cream and walked off.
Gina payed her tickets and walked back to where she left Ida and Becky.

It was just Ida who was standing looking at the Ferris wheel.
When Gina reached Ida she asked, " Where's Becky?" Ida had a pity look on her face as she pointed to the Ferris wheel.

Becky sat and laughed as Chuck sat beside her.
Her heart sunk as she watched as Becky planted a kiss on Chucks lips.

- R <3

 The Lost Boy From 1965Where stories live. Discover now