Chapter 5: "Delirium"

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just sayin'. hehe.

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Word count: 1525 words

As far as Tyler’s sober self – which was, undoubtedly, not with him at the moment – could remember, it was his third bottle of liquor and he was slowly losing his consciousness while Craig was still lying peacefully in his casket with his best tuxedo on.

Chugging down three big gulps from the mouth of the bottle, he allowed himself to divulge deeper into the addicting drowsiness – or, frankly speaking, drunkenness – and laughed at everything like his life was made from the biggest joke of the century. Why did he have to go through life when the one who was meant for his life had left before him? Before his very eyes (through the scope of a sniper rifle)? And what was weird that he managed to stay alive, albeit knowing that he had to continue without Craig by his side holding his hand in reassurance.

He knew so well what would Craig do if he were there to see him getting all drunk like that; he would flip the bird at him and make him count how many fingers he was showing to Tyler. If Tyler got the answer wrong, Craig would kiss the hell outta him until the alcohol was completely gone from Tyler’s system, although it was impossible but Craig still managed to do the same thing over and over again for Tyler. So, Tyler always made sure he got the answer wrong, tipsy or not.

But now, whenever he got drunk, he’d whine at nothing in particular, lips cold and chapped, calling the name that left his life two years ago as if Craig were steps away at the kitchen, frying bacon and egg for his drunk lover.

For his drunk fiancé.

Tyler hiccupped – it didn’t matter if he was shedding tears again – and he lifted his left arm to expose his hand to the light, looking at his ring finger adorned with an engagement ring (which was put there a week before he took away Craig’s life). He could still make out the ring in his vision clearly despite the fact that it took a lot of effort to lift a hand, and held his gaze there, focusing on the lustrous gleam the light gave off on the ring's golden surface.

Forever might be a long time, but I don’t mind spending it with you, Tyler.

Yeah, and your one and only fiancé was the one who took away that forever from you, Craig, Tyler thought, parting his dry lips and breathed through his mouth, heavy reek of alcohol went wafting into the air. His arm plummeted back down to languidly lie by his side as he scrutinized the cream-colored ceiling.

The atmosphere around him was too peaceful. No footsteps, no sizzling sounds coming from the kitchen, no shrieks of complaints, no nothing. Everything was utterly still. Only the continuous ticking sound of the clock, his constant breathing, and the beats of his heart sailed into his eardrums. He never thought that he would loathe serenity that much, but intoxication helped him tuning that hatred down slightly.

“Cwaig [Craig]…,” he slurred a whisper, chugging another swig of his liquor before continuing, “I’m…I’m showwy [sorry], Cwaig [Craig]…I…I didn’t mean to…kill yew [you]…

"I know...we had a weally [really]...big fight...but that...doeshn't [doesn't] mean...I had...the pwivilege [privilege] kill...yew [you]."

Suddenly, in a split second, the least expected thing to happen occurred – the phone rang.

Groaning loudly, Tyler tried to push himself off the couch and put the bottle down properly on the coffee table in front of him – and he eventually failed miserably after knocking the table with his shin and spilled liquor all over its surface – and he went tottering over to answer the phone. Maybe it was from Lui. Or maybe it was from his other old friends. Or maybe it was from–

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