Surprised by the little things that were included, I could only nod my head in understanding. "Thank you. I appreciate the information."

Jungkook was silent through the whole exchange and when Sariyah went to gesture towards a handsome young security guard to the left, he stopped her. "Don't worry about it. I can take Y/N up to her office and introduce her around." Jungkook eyed me up and down and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I'd be happy to take care of her."

Smacking him with the folder in hand, Sariyah then handed it to me. "Behave yourself. You understand me?" Her tone was stern as she spoke to him, but I could see the amusement in her eyes.

Fixing the mussed strands, he leveled a pout at her. "I always behave myself." Before Sariyah could protest, Jungkook grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the desk. "See ya later my love." Trying to keep up with Jungkook's hurried footsteps, I followed him to the bank of elevators. Pulling out a key card, he scanned it then pressed the button for the elevator. Turning to me, Jungkook grinned. "Don't worry too much about what she said. I only flirt with her because she is married. If her husband, Tabari, actually thought I would try and steal her away, he would beat my ass."

Laughing at his words, I nodded. "Fair enough." I was curious to know more about the company and the Kim Seokjin that I would be working for, but I was too nervous to say anything. Instead, I smoothed down my emerald green blouse and made sure there were no wrinkles in my black dress pants. After checking my outfit, I couldn't help but fidget with the silver ring on my left hand. It was a ring that Eric had got me when we graduated college. He jokingly said it was a placeholder for the wedding ring he would eventually put there and insisted I wear it on my ring finger to prevent guys from flirting with me. Knowing he was only joking, I wore it there anyways and it became a habit to spin it when I was nervous.

"You look beautiful. No worries." I looked up to see Jungkook watching me and he held up both hands in way that indicated he was safe. "I wasn't hitting on you. I swear! You looked nervous and I was trying to reassure you that you didn't need to be."

Soothed by his words, I gave him a smile, one that let him know I wasn't offended by his words. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

The elevator doors opened to the 21st floor and we stepped out. There were three doors on this floor and we passed by two of them: one that read Marketing Department, the other that read Personnel Director. Jungkook stopped at the last door, a frosted glass one that said Lead Financial Analyst. Gesturing for me to open the door, I pulled out the card with the numbers on it that Sariyah had given me: 6132013. Punching them in, I opened the door when the light turned green and beeped.

Stepping into the office, I was once again stunned by the pretty appearance. The same pale blue theme from the lobby was present throughout, making me feel at ease.

"Jin likes the offices to have a calm feeling. I would prefer black and white, but oh well." I turned to Jungkook, who was leaning against the wall. "This does seem to suit you though. It's soothing and pretty, like you."

Not sure how to respond, I said nothing and just wandered around the office, getting acclimated with my new workspace. There was a brand new silver laptop in the center of the desk, with a sticky note on top that said Mr. Kim Seokjin wanted to see me at 9:00. Looking down at my watch, I saw that it was just after 8. It would give me almost an hour to look around my office. There was a mini fridge in the corner with a magnetic pad on top.

Jungkook pointed to the pad. "You can make a list of any snacks or drinks you want and the cafeteria staff will stock the fridge for you. There's a list of things they offer on the back, but if there is something else, mark it down and they will get it."

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