Newtmas... A Lot Of Newtmas...

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Newt: Okay guys, stop playing music...

Minho: Don't tell us what to do...

Thomas: Minho, Newt is a second in command. So technically we have to listen to him.

Thomas: My phone just tried to correct 'technically' to techniGally...

Gally: Your phone loves me.

Minho: Thomas, you just side with Newt because you have a crush on him.

Thomas: Pffffttt....

Thomas: What? I don't have a crush on Newt.

Thomas: Haha, funny Minho...

Minho: Why so nervous, Greenbean?

Thomas: I am not nervous.

Minho: Then why are you sweating? *insert confident smirk here*

Thomas: From running, shuch-face.

Jeff: Why is Thomas still running?

Newt: Oh, he is a Runner now.

Gally: WHAT!? WHY?

Alby: Yeah Newt, you never told me that...

Newt: He proved himself to me, okay. Don't ask further.

Minho: Did he 'prove himself' by showing his running skills, or his dick?

Newt: MINHO! Stop now or I will feed you to the Grievers.

Chuck: Good luck with finding some Grievers to feed him to...


Minho: And I am pretty sure it'll eat us.

Minho: Let's get some music going as some type of funeral...

Thomas: Minho, you scared it away with that music of yours...


Thomas: I would run too when I hear the sentence: I want to kiss your lips, the one between your hips...

Minho: That is because you don't care about those lips, do you?

Thomas: I am not gay, Minho.

Minho: Ofcourse not...

Thomas: You know what, if we ever meet a girl, I'll prove it to you!

Newt: Guys stop this. Chuck can read this you know.

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