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Meanwhile, after the horrendous scene was nowhere around anymore....

Incineroar's POV:

I felt my heart beat twice once before a sudden jolt summoned me from my knocked out sweat and scraps. I woke up with almost my breath fully reborn, but lighter. My vision felt so much less alive but yet I can still blink and see. I groaned as I slowly lifted up my head to see almost everything seeming so....much more..what's the word..? Oh..mythical. But it's almost so much brighter than where I was before. My ears twitched to the sounds of soft breezes coming from all directions in specific times. It felt weird and warmer than cold. I let myself sit up for a second with my head pounding on a ring that started to fade as soon as I looked at myself. I flinched to look at myself: I was almost more transparent than how I was before. Small little specks of stars lured and went away before coming back onto my body. My belt was the only thing brighter than the stars as it was changing to gradients of yellow and orange like it normally would. But from my senses, I couldn't feel the scraps and splinters of the wood anymore. In fact, I couldn't feel anything related to what I went through just now! Was it all a dream? Was it all just my mind going nuts over the gas taking over my thinking? Or am I really what I am from my living self. My surroundings, I finally looked up and around all over the place, everything was all leafy and the ground was softer than the boards of the burning building I once was. Everything looked calming and it concerned me. It all felt so new and free but yet I felt something wrong. Getting up from my resting place on the fertile grounds, I look around to see no sights of any burnt materials or ashes lying around the premises. I couldn't tell how much I was seeing. Was this the place where I was before and they cleaned it up? If they did come to the place, why didn't they see anybody was back? Where was-..

I froze in my state of mind, now completely gone.


I looked around myself to see no trail or sight of anything related to Decidueye. All the beautiful sights of the forest weren't as it was anymore with all the worry for someone that replaces it. I swore to Arceus that I held Decidueye's hand when the building burnt down but the building doesn't look to be around for miles of this forest place, wherever this place is in Alola or...anywhere!! I couldn't think straight, what is this place doing to me? I rub my eyes and blink a few times just before turning towards a direction for a quick start. Trees and branches were swaying by as I swiftly jog through them and no rim of humps in sight to trip me as I ran. Did Decidueye make it through that tragedy? No, he's my type advantage and had a much worser death than I did. I only gave away from the toxic air of chemicals spills of the halls, dripping from the broke boards that gave me my splinters. Though my protection over Decidueye's breathing was effective, I know the flames got to him and gave into his strength and energy. God, it hurts to even think or smell anything just worth that fire. There wasn't anywhere to go other than dying on the way out and still having the reaper come to you. But why didn't they keep Decidueye with me when we kissed for the last time, took our final breath together. If we'd ever wake, I wanted to be right beside him; at the alter and to the graveyard, but here I am...alone again. I tried to find a place to find myself standing at ease until a largely weighed field almost made me trip up and fall down to receive no pain by the touch of the dirt against my spiritual? self. The reason I said that was because of the splinters and and burns all over me not being as hurtful from before. But what about Decidueye? Did he make it out? If so, I would be at least happy to be with him as a ghost: he can still be with me as he can with his dark self. Even if it's gonna leave a scar, which I know would be hurtful and I can apologize in his sleep but I won't let him keep a broken heart if Id be riding a leafy shoulder.

The land that stood before me was almost beaming but no stars blinded me to see the hills overturning the trees and northern lights shining like the first nightlight. A safety privilege down there was finally a life given gift up here, but I had to find my own and it wasn't much I can do to find out without an aching heart, beating too fast for me to relax. This whole place, I couldn't notice because of my thoughts racing all about, was filling my eyes with tears: Decidueye would've wanted to end up here at this wonderful place. I slid down the small hill and tumbled my tearful path down the lane of how much happiness was laid in front of me. I recognize this place now: a place where I could find my Torracat self playing in the tulips with my Rick Roger friends and their hipster language before butterfrees can come around and we'd be down for the chase. Then, it'd turn to each of us playing tag and falling over onto the hard or soft mossy ground; laughing all together. That was all silence now but the sky gave it a heavenly grasp that made nothing but a smile and tears feel so greatly painful. My tail swayed through the itchy thorns of the roses standing guard of the rest of the forest from where I emerged forwards. I could almost see the sky moving again when it stood still so I could have my turn to move around the premise and see its work of art. My vision captioned all of the lights above, something that could be seen on Mount Lanakila if you look hard and long enough. Stars running across the night lights like I used to do when I was free and had special people to run beside me. It was all me over here but I couldn't feel this way if it weren't for the face of Arceus giving me a small specific looking image that made my cheeks and ears wish to shake and peer from my body. Barely wind accompanied me. The grass almost wanted to touch my knees that lost their bruises and scraps from constantly collapsing to lower of those boards falling onto me. I felt the flutters of petals brush against me and the cooling breeze of this new world breezing past me. It was almost enough to make me have my emotional kitten inside me grow into a large river of tears and run like never before. I was never much of a crier, but when Decidueye came in and his tears attracted mine, I couldn't help it sometimes. This air was almost his touch against me; wanting to say something he always said back when we were alive. I felt lively now but not alive enough to see everyone back down wherever the hell they were at. The crunching beneath my feet stopped when I heard an oncoming crack coming from just a few yards away. My ears twitched and my eyes averted right towards that direction. A whole pond of the stars lurking around the corner and a willowing tree cried out its petals that reflected back towards through the waters. I remember the same glistening feeling that day: the confession, the small rose petals I laid down for my bird to follow into my grasp of love, the kiss was ever so blissful. The tree gave all of it for me to walk by and see a familiar trail beside me in the carnations and their small bells clinging. It was clawed and up straight behind the tree, I followed closely as my nose began to cry, then my eyes once I saw a shadow.

You Will Always Be Mine (PART 2!!!!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz