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"Carlos?!" I yelled.

"Y/N!" Carlos said.

Carlos got up from the couch and wrapped me in a big hug.
"I havent seen you in forever!" He said.

"I know!" I said.
"How was college?"

"Meh" He mumbled.

"So YOU know who he is but I dont? Well thats no fair!" Vanessa said.

"I told you, he left a few weeks before you were born, and you actually have met him before, well once, on a video call, when you were 2 months old" Papa explained.

"You expect me to remember that?" Vanessa asked.

"No" Mama chuckled.
"All we're trying to say is this is your big brother Carlos, and Y/N knows him because he was around 10 or 11 when he left"

"Oh yeah! I forgot, your 16 now right?" Carlos asked.

"16?" I asked myself.

"You literally had your birthday a few months ago" Papa said.

"Oh yeeeeeah!" I said.

"Anyways, lets catch up! Lets see.... do you have anyone you have a crush on?" Carlos asked.

"Oh yeah I-" I started.

"Oh shit" I thought.
"He doesnt know im gay"

"Uhhh..... why dont I introduce you to them tomorrow?" I asked.

"Ok" Carlos said.
"So you have any friends around here?"

"Yeah! I'll introduce you to them tomorrow too, you'll love them" I said.

"IS THAT LITTLE CARLOS?!" Tia shouted from the doorway.

"TIA!" Carlos yelled.

Carlos ran up to Tia and gave her a hug.

"Hows my little sobrino?" Tia asked, squishing Carlos's face.

"Tiaaaa" He whined.

"Thats what she did to me too when she came to visit" I laughed.

"Anyways, how was college? And how's Wanda?" Tia asked.

"Oh yeah uhh..... I actually have some news..... me and Wanda are engaged!" Carlos said.

"WHAT?!" We all asked in unison...... well except Vanessa.

"Thats great!" Papa said.

"Congratulations" Tia said.

"Thank you" Carlos said.

"So when is the wedding?" I asked.

"Probably not anytime soon, but we'd love you all to come" Carlos said.

"Of course! Where is Wanda anyways?" Mama asked.

"She had a buisness trip to go to, and I wanted to visit you all!" Carlos said.
"And get to know Vanessa more, I remember the last time I saw you, you could barely speak"

"Ok" Vanessa said.

"We'll get to that tomorrow, for now *yawn* I think its time for bed" Papa said.

"You can stay with me tonight, I have an extra room" Tia said to Carlos.

Carlos and Tia Maria went over to her house and then we all went to bed.

"How am I gonna tell Carlos about me and Camilo?" I thought.
"Why am I stressing so much? I wasnt this nervous when I came out to Mama and Papa"

After hours of overthinking, I finally fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up to a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said.

Camilo walked in the door and kneeled down next to the bed so his face was level with mine.

"Hello mi amor" He said.

"Hey babe, its weird seeing you come through the door for once instead of the window" I said, sitting up.

"Well your parents were awake so figured i'd change it up a bit today" Camilo said.

Camilo jumped over me and onto my bed and we both bounced up a little when he landed.

I put my head back on the pillow and turned towards him.

"So what are you gonna do today?" Camilo asked, giving me a kiss.

"Well uhh my brothers here, so im gonna introduce you 2 and.... stuff" I said.

"You ok?" Camilo asked.

"Yeah im just...... nervous..... I dont know how hes gonna react to me being gay..." I said.
"I know hes like..... the nicest person ever and I know hes not like my Tio but...... I dont know I just..... dont wanna let him down...."

"Youre not gonna let him down" Camilo started.
"It shouldnt matter who you date, if hes really the guy you say he is he'll love you either way"

I smiled and gave him another kiss.

"I guess your right, well do you wanna go and.... get it over with?" I asked.

"Dont you want to introduce him to the others first?" Camilo asked.

"No, I want to do this as soon as possible, plus, I like you the best" I said.

Camilo smiled and kissed me once more.

Camilo and I got up and went outside where we saw Carlos, Antonio and Vanessa talking, I quickly got nervous and let go of Camilo's hand.

"We'll see you later Carlos!" Antonio said as he and Vanessa ran off.

"Hey Y/N" Carlos said.
"Whos this?"

"Uhh I- umm..... this- this is my- uhhh" I stammered.

"I can do this" I thought.

"This is....... this my boyfriend..... Camilo" I mumbled.

"Well hi! Nice to meet you Camilo!" Carlos said holding out his hand.

Camilo awkwardly shook his hand and looked over to me.

"Y- your not mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad?" Carlos asked.

"Because im..... gay...." I said.

"Why would I be mad about that?" Carlos asked.
"Your obviously happy, thats all that matters"

"Told you" Camilo said.

I gave Carlos a hug and we went over to meet the others.

"And this is my bestfriend Mirabel, shes the one with no gift, Mirabel, this is my brother Carlos" I said.

"Your Carlos? Nice to meet you!" Mirabel asked.

"Nice to meet you too!" Carlos said.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Mirabel asked.

"Party?" I asked.

"Yep! Apparently theres gonna be a new resident in town? I dont know, anyways you should totally come" Mirabel said.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked.

"Abuela wont tell us" Mirabel said.

Time skip

We all got ready and went over to the casita, I stopped to talk to Camilo a bit before heading in.

"So who do you think the new resident is?" I asked.

"I dont know" Tia said.

"Hello, everyone, today we are here to celebrate 2 new residents who just moved into town" Alma started.

"Wheres Carlos?" Mama asked.

"Please give a warm welcome to Carlos and Wanda" Alma said, gesturing to Carlos and Wanda in the crowd.....


Author: heres chapter 20! Also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😂

Shapeshifter | Camilo X Male ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora